The Artist of
November 15, 2023

An Introduction to Yoga Nidra

An Interview with Dharma Mittra
Sri Dharma Mittra first encountered yoga as a teenager before meeting his guru in 1964 and beginning his training in earnest. Sri Dharma founded one of the early independent schools of yoga in New York City in 1975 and has taught hundreds of thousands of students the world over in the years since. Sri Dharma is the model and creator of the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures, the author of “ASANAS: 608 Yoga Poses,” “Yoga Wisdom” and “The LOAY Teachers’ Manual,” and has been featured in a variety of videos produced by Pranamaya, Alo Moves and Yoga Journal among others, and the Yoga Journal book “Yoga” was based on his famous Master Chart. Sri Dharma continues to disseminate the complete traditional science of yoga through daily classes, workshops and his “Life of a Yogi” Teacher Trainings at the Dharma Yoga New York Center and around the world. For more information on all things Dharma Yoga, visit:


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