The Artist of

Weave real connections, create real nodes, build real houses.
Live a life you can endure: Make love that is loving.
Keep tangling and interweaving and taking more in,
a thicket and bramble wilderness to the outside but to us
interconnected with rabbit runs and burrows and lairs.
The Seven of Pentacles
by Marge Piercy
(Excerpted. Read the full poem here.)

The Experience of the Ride
An Interview with Christopher J. Miller
The Tattoo Pathway
An Interview with Mark Nara
Art for Healing and Self-Expression
An Interview with Lady Didyasarin Taveldiku
Reframing Our Relationship to the Planet
An Interview with Aterah Nusrat
The Extinction Rebellion and the Future of Humanity
An Interview with Mary AdamsBook Reviews

A Summary of the Fetzer Institute’s Sharing Spiritual Heritage Report: An Review By Ariela Cohen and Robin Beck
By Ariela Cohen
Choosing Earth, Choosing Us: A Book Review of Choosing Earth
By Robin Beck
Monk and Robot: A Book Review
By Robin Beck
No Pallatives. No Promises: Radical acceptance as one woman's path to living with grief
By Amy Edelstein
Freed Freedom: Letters from a Sri Lanka Seeker to her Meditation Master
By Amy EdelsteinEssays

The Gospel of Relaxation
By Jeff Carreira
Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Foundations of Self-Realization: Reflections on being an Artist of Possibility and Transdimensional Spirituality
By KD Meyers
Awakening Through the Body
By Adriana Colotti Comel
What is Love? An Introspection
By Judith Marsden