The Artist of
July 15, 2021

My Unravelling of the Mystery of Dis-Ease

An Essay
Supriya Kini is a Kundalini Yoga teacher and soon to graduate Restorative Yoga teacher. She is also completing her Feminine Power Coaching/ Facilitation certification and holds a certification from the Science of W ell- Being online course from Yale University. A storyteller at heart, she is deeply passionate about exploring how w e can live our most consciously embodied spiritually awake life by looking deeper at the truth of our nature. She believes sustainable transformation begins with the self and requires both solitude and community. She currently blogs and facilitates circles for w omen. In her free time, you may find her writing, meditating, reading, singing, gardening, walking, or cooking with her kids. One of her all-time favorite quotes is "When you know how to listen, everyone is the guru." ~ Ram Dass.


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