In this issue we explore the transformative power of fiction. Our lives are like stories of fiction. We are the main character and we 'read' our experiences as they occur to make meaning out of them. And, because life is like a story, a powerfully written piece of fiction allows us to inhabit a life other than our own. We can experience things from another vantage point and perhaps lose our own ego's captivating grip on our attention. Fiction sparks the imagination in ways that other forms of prose cannot. Fiction doesn't just tell us things, it allows us to see them, feel them and live them. In this issue, we wanted to explore some of the powerful ways in which authors of fiction use their works to transform their readers.
In these pages, you will meet the spiritual teacher and prolific author E. J. Gold who will introduce us to his unique creative process. We will explore the fiction of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa through the eyes of one of the leading scholars on Pessoa's work, Jerónimo Pizarro. Also, we will share a conversation with award w inning novelist and astrologer Eliza Robertson.
We are also happy to offer another wonderful book review by Amy Edelstein, and some inspired poetry and spontaneous writing samples from our members.
Finally, a special thanks to a former member, Mystie Brackett, whose beautiful art is displayed throughout the issue.
We hope you enjoy!