The Artist of
October 15, 2020

Artists of Possibility Among Us

An Interview with Eliza Robertson
For this issue, I had the pleasure of talking with award-winning author, Eliza Robertson, Ph.D. Eliza is originally from Vancouver, and now lives in Montreal which is where I got the opportunity to meet her, thanks to a dance class we were taking together. Eliza has won several awards and titles for her writings. For example, her critically acclaimed first novel, Demi-Gods, was a Globe & Mail and National Post book of the year and the winner of the 2018 QWF Paragraphe Hugh MacLennan Prize. She is also a pretty badass astrologer, if you ask me, having had the opportunity to receive a reading from her a few years back. She studied at the Faculty of Astrology in London, as well as with Chris Brennan on his Hellenistic Astrology course. Moreover, along with two of her peers, Eliza has an astrology podcast called Kosmic Tonic.


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