Transdimensional Fiction
An imprint of Emergence Education

Transdimensional Fiction publishes the original fiction of Jeff Carreira. His novels use the powerful medium of story to illuminate the mysterious ways in which we can awaken to the invisible realms and hidden truths that always lie just beyond the familiar world around us. These stories challenge our fundamental notions about what is real by presenting characters who find themselves having experiences that force them to question everything they ever thought. What they discover, in a variety of ways, is that reality is much different than they could have imagined.

We also publish annotated editions of older works of fiction that speak to the universal mysteries that have astonished sincere spiritual seekers through the ages.

There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine.
~ H.P. Lovecraft
About Transdimensional Fiction
Reality is made of stories, so stories can change reality.

We have been taught that reality is composed of material things floating in three-dimensions of empty physical space, but that’s a story. We’re told about who we are as men or women, as members of a specific race, or nationality, and these are also stories. A great deal of what we assume to be real are actually stories that we have either been told, or have made up, and now believe in. I am compelled to discover just how deeply stories are embedded into the fabric of reality.

In 1817 the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge described “the willing suspension of disbelief” as an act of “poetic faith” through which a reader accepts fanciful aspects of a fictional work and surrenders into the story. I believe that something similar can happen with new realities. I believe that our current experience of being human is just one possibility. If we are willing to suspend disbelief perhaps we will discover possibilities for human existence beyond what we can imagine.

For many years, as a teacher of meditation and spiritual awakening, I have wanted to serve people by opening them to radically new possibilities. The fiction I write is simply an extension of that aim. I want my novels to be fun to read and entertaining. I also want them to be educational and transformative. Most of all, I want you to finish them, put them down and feel that the world you live in after reading, is bigger, more mysterious and more wonderful than it was before.

The stories I write challenge our fundamental notions about what is real. My novels present characters who find themselves having experiences, or landing in circumstances, that force them to question everything they ever thought. What they discover, in a variety of ways, is that reality is much different than they ever imagined.

I hope you enjoy the stories I write and even more, I hope you feel changed by reading them.

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"Finding one’s self in a book is a second birth..."
~ Anais Nin

“I've never done anything but dream... My only real concern has been my inner life.”
~ Fernando Pessoa