This book takes you through the process of envisioning and designing an online membership community. The guidance you find here is specifically written for people whose business offers transformative growth opportunities that their clients and customers can engage with over time.
Jeff Carreira has run successful online communities for nearly twenty years and in these pages he transparently offers all of the essential insights he has gained as well as details of the systems that he has found work best. He also explains why online structures that allow people to meet, engage and work together, are so effective in nurturing growth and transformation.
In this book you will explore:
- How to create a value-centered online community.
- What leadership skills guarantee the success of a community.
- How to run an online community profitably.
- The tools and technical solutions for building the structures you need.
This book was written for spiritual visionaries or what Jeff Carreira calls 'Artists of Possibility'. That means people who have devoted themselves, for years or even decades, to an inner quest for wisdom. They have journeyed out beyond the familiar, encountered extraordinary possibilities, and returned wanting to share their discoveries with others. If you have wisdom that you know others will benefit from, this book will support you to set up a simple online community to share it.