Saturday, March 30th, 2024

Recording Available

Via Zoom Video Conferencing


We live inside of a paradigm based on an assumption of separation and division. We’ve been trained to believe that we live in reality and that the reality we live in is a universe of empty space populated by things that are inherently isolated from one another and propagate through time. Because this is what we believe about reality; it becomes how we perceive reality to be.

Emotionally it is important to the human psyche that our experience of reality remains continuous. We have an existentially allergic reaction to discontinuity. We want the present to be aligned with the past. We want to think that reality is ordered and predictable so that the past feels like an accurate indicator of what will happen in the future. If reality becomes discontinuous we fear there is no way for us to predict or control what happens next.

Those of us who recognize the limitations of our current paradigm and aspire to manifest a new one, must find the inner strength and emotional fortitude to face the insecurity of not knowing what tomorrow may bring and embrace a discontinuous leap in logic and perception.

The world before a paradigm shifts is different from the world after. How is that possible? How can the world shift in an instant?

Many of us feel that a new paradigm is coming, we see possibilities that have not been realized yet, but we know they can be. Spiritual work can be understood as the work that it takes to establish and live in a new paradigm.

Those of us who are committed to inhabiting the space of a new paradigm must open to a miraculous inner space and embrace the possibility of a future that is not limited by the past. In this space we realize that we honestly don’t know what is possible and so in a sense anything is.

In this event we will explore what paradigms are, how they form, how they limit us, and most importantly how they can be transcended to unleash our true potential. By the end you will see how your experience of being an isolated individual is held in place by three overarching assumptions we all hold about reality:

  • Reality occurs in time;
  • Thinking is something you do;
  • You are the person that was born on your birthday.

Uncovering and transcending these three assumptions reveals the reality that exists beyond division and separation where you discover who you are within that continuous whole.

I hope you will join me.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Upcoming Retreat
A 5-Day Paradigm Shifting Retreat
Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd, 2024
4:00pm Monday to 12:00pm Friday
Highland Lake Cove, Flat Rock, North Carolina.
Spend five days in an experiential exploration that stretches us into new sensibilities.
Learn More
Awakening to a New Paradigm