
Love, Marriage and Evolution

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Love, Marriage & Evolution is an inspiring, and innovative guide to making intimate relationships work. In eight chapters on essential pillars of long-term relationships, Amy helps couples engage in a fun and thoughtful exploration of the values they hold most dear. Illuminating how a developmental perspective with spiritual roots can create trust, love, and purpose, Amy helps demystify how to make good relationships last and deepen over time. The book includes a workbook with guided contemplations and space for reader notes. A much-needed support for joy and love filled marriages.
Published by
Emergence Education
Amy Edelstein
Amy Edelstein is a powerful communicator of ideas and beliefs that can help us transform ourselves and the culture we live in. She is the author of six books, including the IPPY award-winning, bestseller The Conscious Classroom. Recipient of a Philadelphia Social Innovation Award for her nonprofit Inner Strength Education, Amy has developed a potent curriculum of mindfulness & systems thinking, empowering more that 17,000 Philadelphia high school students. Find out more about her work at and
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