
Teaching Inner Strength

2nd Edition of the Teacher’s Manual
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The Inner Strength Teen Mindfulness Program is the only adolescent mindfulness program to incorporate evidence-based stress reduction mindfulness techniques with an understanding of 300 million years of brain development, specific characteristics of adolescent neuroscience, and a 600 year perspective on cultural development. Students learn to see their experience in perspective, depersonalizing challenges and catalyzing interest and inner strength.

In this detailed course manual, teachers will find lesson plans for the 12-lesson Inner Strength Teen Mindfulness Program.

The second edition includes new illustrations, mindfulness scripts, homework recommendations, and augmented lesson plans and supplemental resources.

This manual accompanies the 80-hour teacher training program. Instructions for teachers include overview explanation, additional resources and readings, and a clearly delineated set of Goals, Objectives, and Skills for each section.

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Emergence Education