When we discover the love and light within us, we have found the highest source of self-love. As the profound inner source of your being becomes clearer, you will feel more deeply connected with yourself and more in love with who you are.
This discovery is what Trusting Your Heart – Cultivating an intense love for a deeper connection with yourself, is all about.
During this free hour-long online event you will explore the inner depths of your true being and cultivate a longing for deeper connection with it. You will find that as you open to more of who you are, you simultaneously discover more of your own magnificence, and your passion for giving yourself to what you discover continually grows.
Most of us start on the spiritual path because we are dissatisfied and in pain. We want a better life, we want to be a better person, and we want to change the world. We start seeking because we’ve had some experience of our true self, and we yearn for more.
Most of us start on the path wanting to solve our problems and make our lives better. This is a good place to start from, but at some point along the path we need to discover and follow an ever-deepening love. We are in love with the divine and with our soul and its potential for growth. We are no longer primarily motivated only to solve our problems because now, deep in our hearts, we want to be a pure expression of the divinity inside us.
The awakening in our own heart, the one that brought us to the path in the first place, grows stronger and stronger. As it does, our true self, the part of us that only wants to give all of itself to our highest potentials, begins to shine.
As our trust in the love of our own heart deepens, our lives are guided more and more by the light of that love. More and more of that love is what energizes us, enlightens us, and illuminates our way forward.
If you feel moved to discover the deepest love inside you and live your own highest potentials please join Danielle Morrow Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 at Recording Available for this evening of exploration.

Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education