The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness Book Launch
Jeff Carreira
with Jeff Carreira
Recording Available
Saturday, July 29th, 2023

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


During this free hour-long event we will explore the esoteric understanding that underlies all of my spiritual work and how to optimally navigate the spiritual journey. Our spiritual quest always begins when for some reason or another we realize that our normal experience of being human is a very small part of who we are. An existential sense of dissatisfaction grows that drives us to pursue higher growth. What you will learn in this event is how your Soul influences your choice to pursue a spiritual life. Your Soul is a multi-lifetime aspect of who you are and it has a deep need for you to turn your energies toward the pursuit of awakening. Once you begin on that path it leads you to release your familiar sense of self through a process of self-forgetting and then to enter the profound nondual experience of pure consciousness. You no longer exist as a separate sense of self. There is only the experience of awareness with nothing to be aware of and no one who has the awareness - pure awareness.

This is the end of the first stage of the journey and the beginning of a new possibility for spiritual life. Those of us who taste the emptiness of pure awareness are sometimes called back to worldly existence and when we are we begin to inhabit a higher self, a Soul self that holds capacities for perception that are unimaginable to our original human mind. In these higher realms we uncover the secrets of creation and see how everything in our physical reality is an access point to the deeper meaning of spirit. We are compelled by the noble purpose of illuminating new possibilities and bringing them back to life on Earth.

You will learn about a diverse set of insights about the nature of reality drawing from sources such as: The Indian sages Sri Aurobindo and Ramana Maharshi, Christian saints John of the Cross and Teresa De Avila, and the metaphysical genius of Henri Corbin and Emanuel Swedenborg. By the end of the season you will have experienced a map of soul development that is both compelling and beautiful. You will leave the session inspired, empowered, and more deeply enlightened.

Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Jeff Carreira
Jeff Carreira is an author, mystical philosopher, artist and meditation teacher. Thirty years ago he dedicated himself entirely to the focused pursuit of spiritual awakening. He began teaching meditation and awakening fifteen years ago, and today supports people from around the world to share the fruits and blessings of their own spiritual path. He is aware that many people today have established their own deep connection to the spiritual source of life and the unlimited creative potential it holds. He calls these people Artists of Possibility because they have so much to share with the world. He remains completely committed to teaching meditation and awakening, and in addition has dedicated himself to helping others gather their own tribe and share their own deepest realization. He wants to support you to create a platform to share from. That means deepening your awakening, learning to articulate it effectively, and setting up the means to reach people all over the world.
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