Saturday, December 9th, 2023

10:00am - 4:00pm US Eastern Time

The Aligned Center, 1 Bridge St #64, Irvington, NY


I am truly thrilled to be offering this retreat at The Aligned Center in Irvington, NY.

On this retreat you will learn to live according to a new operating system that will transform your life.

As a teacher of meditation and spiritual awakening, my work is often focused on inner transformation, and after people experience awakening the one question they ask more than any other is: “How do I live this in my daily life?”

This retreat will answer that question. Our primary exploration together will be about shifting into a life of ongoing fullness, and satisfaction. This might sound impossible, but it's not, if you learn the secret. You can’t always get what you want, but you can learn to be satisfied with what you get.

Living in abundance is an awakened mindset based on a deep recognition of the inherent wonder of being alive. When you discover the source of inner wholeness you will live in a completely different way.

On this retreat you will learn how to live in spiritual abundance so that life unfolds miraculously, becoming easier and more fulfilling all the time.

That doesn’t mean you don’t work hard, experience pain, or face adversity. And it doesn’t mean that you never experience fear, doubt or self-concern. What it means is that you never forget, even under the most challenging circumstances, that life is good and as long as you travel the path of your heart it will get better.

I want to share this miraculous way of living with you.

Over the course of the day together, you will receive specific guidance that will shift your perspective out of fear and scarcity, and into trust and abundance. You will also engage in practices that allow you to experience the energy of fullness, and contemplations that help you uncover the attitudes, beliefs, and expectations that perpetuate unnecessary struggle.

This is the first retreat of this type that I have offered and I will be thrilled to be able to spend the day with you.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
What We Will Explore
The Recovery of Basic Trust
Our culture has trained us to live in fear. At the very core of our experience, we have become convinced that we must defend ourselves against anything that might go wrong. This deep cultural habit means that most of us live through a fundamental habit of constraint. We feel bound up in concerns, we are vigilantly looking out for potential problems, and as a result we never realize our true inner potential. The higher potentials of our life begin to reveal themselves as we transcend our existential fears and doubts, and open up vulnerably to the true bounty that always exists all around us. As you experience the miraculous nature of life, your inner being will open wide and your outer life will become a reflection of your highest potential.
The Discovery of Who You Already Are
The crucial transformative principles that you will learn and work with in this program is based in the understanding that you are always already complete, whole, and free. You will discover that transformation is not an incremental journey that leads you to somewhere other than where you are. Real transformation can only start when we realize that at the deepest level of our being we already are the person that we want to be. The transformative process doesn’t change us into someone else, it reveals the truth of who we have been all along. All you need to do is hold fast to the deepest truth of who we are and never allow yourself to believe that you are less than that. By never forgetting who you really are, you will be able to create a life that is a powerful and unambiguous expression of your True Self.
The Expression of Your Full Potential
In this program, you will learn to create a new life built on the foundation of your own deepest experience of truth. You will see how our lives are so often an expression of our fears and insecurities, and not the great love, wisdom, and power that lies within all of us. During this day you will experience a miraculous shift in your perspective on life and your ability to live it, but this inner awakening is only part of our work. Our ultimate goal will be to create a clear understanding of how to live an awakened life. On this retreat, you will not only experience inner shifts, you will also do the work to integrate those shifts into a new and expanded sense of self that will unleash your true creative power. You will learn powerful principles of transformation and receive guidance that allows you to personalize those principles and apply them to your own life circumstances.
Retreat Location

The retreat is being held at The Aligned Center, 1 Bridge St #64, Irvington, NY, a heartfelt community venue right on the Hudson river. The address is 1 Bridge Street, Foundry Building, Suite 64, Irvington, NY 10533.

Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided. Please bring your own lunch, or plan to purchase your own lunch from a nearby eatery.


Pendle Hill is committed to maintaining a safe environment due to ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of that effort they currently require all guests of Pendle Hill to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to wear masks in the common spaces of the campus. The staff of Pendle Hill are continually monitoring the situation with the pandemic and may alter their requirements before the date of our retreat, but until we are notified otherwise, we will assume that their current requirements will hold in December. For more information about all guest requirements and the COVID-19 mitigating amenities Pendle Hill offers see their COVID-19 Information page here.

The below notice is taken directly from the Pendle Hill website.

Expectations of Guests: Effective March 1, 2022:

All guests of Pendle Hill are required to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 in advance of coming to campus.

All guests are required to complete a waiver and a pre-arrival screening no more than 24 hours prior to arriving on campus. See the Waiver & Screening section of our FAQ page for more information on this form’s contents and ramifications.

We encourage all guests to take a COVID test of any type (PCR, rapid, at home) within 48 hours of arrival on campus. This may be a requirement for some Pendle Hill offerings.

Please see our Guest Expectations in COVID-19 Mitigation FAQ for more information about any of the above expectations.

  • 10:00am – 12:30pm Morning Session
  • 12:30pm to 2:00pm Lunch on Own
  • 2:00pm to 4:00pm Afternoon Session
What past retreat participants said about their experience...

"The impact for me was most profound. On integration day an awareness of the Truth arose in me and left me totally flummoxed. Just what I have been working for, for so many years. I am truly a different person than the one who started the retreat last Friday. Profound gratitude to Jeff and the team."

~ W. Francis.

"The daily teaching, Q&A's and and meditation sessions were so powerful, they brought such calm and flow to me and in turn to my family. Jeff's teaching enabled me reach greater depth in my meditations as each day passed."

~ T. Bird.

"Jeff’s instructions and felt his passion to lead us into a available view of the world and ourselves. My life is so completely different. I’m looking out with Cosmic Eyes now... Wow So simple and so wonderful. Thank you."

~ N. Torrence.

"This retreat was a wonderful and profound experience of sinking into the depth of Being. Experiencing blissful happiness and liberation, just abiding there, without needing anything. Even in the face of challenges from outside, like a noisy neighourhood."

~ J. van den Bogaard.

"The retreat came at the perfect time in my life. It was the calm at the end of an internal and external storm that led to deep insights and deepening Awareness of my True Self. Jeff has an ability to transmit deep truths that find a home in soul."

~ M. Earlenbaugh.

"The retreat was eye opening and life-changing, giving me a new understanding of me as a soul, and deepening my relationship with it. Giving all day to meditation for a few days, rather than an hour a day for a prolonged period, has brought changes in me that are indescribable. I did not want it end!"

~ J. Aebi.

Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.