Sunday, September 3rd, 2023

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


In this workshop we will explore one of the most important aspects of transformative work. If transformation is what we want, then we must understand that it is not something we do, it is something that happens, and it will only happen if we let it.

The spiritual work we do initiates transformation, but once that mysterious process of deep change begins we must let it continue. We have to be willing to be changed. We have to be willing to feel and act differently.

Many people work hard to do the practices, take the courses, and go on the retreats that initiate the transformative process only to stop the process once it starts. The changes we see in ourselves as we grow can be unsettling. We don’t look at ourselves and we don’t recognize who we are, and we don’t understand what is happening. When that existential uncertainty arises we must find the courage to allow the change to happen. We must see the process through to the end.

In this workshop we will explore this crucial and often under-appreciated role that surrender plays in the transformative process.

Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
This workshop is part of the Year of Transformation Workshops.
Register Here
Surrendering to Deep Change