Thursday, June 8th - Sunday, June 11th, 2023

10:00am - 6:00pm US Eastern Time

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


During this silent virtual retreat you will work with insights and practices explored in my new book The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness: Illuminating the Higher Realms of Spirit.

The focus of this retreat is on the journey of enlightenment that takes place after we have attained a significant degree of spiritual freedom. Spiritual freedom is the state of sacred detachment in which we can rest comfortably through all states of consciousness. In meditation this means the ability to remain content and peaceful no matter what your mind is doing.

The conscious ease of being of spiritual freedom will be the starting point for this retreat, and our main focus will be on what can happen after. During this retreat you will be encouraged to relax so deeply that you slowly begin to forget yourself.

The process of self-forgetting is a profound opportunity to let the conscious sense of self dissolve into deep presence. In that state of presence there is awareness of what is, but no sense of being someone who is aware.

As we relax beyond this point even the awareness of what is fades away. We enter a space of deep self-forgetting in which there is no self-conscious awareness in operation and nothing is known. There is only an awe-inspiring sense of love and majesty along with a sense of perfect peace and profound well being.

In this depth of self-forgetting our awareness is no longer tied to our familiar identity and something magical begins to happen.

While our familiar sense of self remains still and content, another part of us, our soul, begins to expand into realms beyond imagination. When mystics and adepts describe having experiences of visiting higher realms of being and encountering other beings there, they are speaking about journeys of the soul that occur after the familiar sense of self is allowed to be perfectly inert and at rest.

What is commonly called the soul, is a deeper sense of identity that extends between lifetimes. The Indian sage Sri Aurobindo called it the psychic being, and as it grows in strength it has greater influence over our spiritual development.

You, as an earthbound human, are on a quest to realize and manifest the highest potentials made available to you from the source of existence. Your soul is on a quest to return and merge with that higher source.

There is a symbiotic relationship between you and your soul. As your soul moves closer to the higher source, the potentials inherent in that source become more available to you. As you learn to let go and rest in spiritual freedom you support your soul to move closer to the source.

This retreat will be the fullest exploration of the spiritual work that supports the development of the soul that I have ever given. We will be drawing from insights contained in The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness and engaging in practices that release our familiar consciousness and open us to the higher realms of spirit.

During this retreat we will work together for eight hours each day. (All of the sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.) We will begin by working with the art of self-forgetting. As you disappear into the unknown, your awareness will slip outside the bounds of time and space and enter the mysterious realms of the soul where you will learn to move and interact with the images and energies you find there.

I hope that you can join me for this virtual retreat.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
What We Will Explore on this Retreat
Thursday, June 8th, 2023
We will practice relaxing so deeply in meditation that we lose track of ourself and forget what we are doing. As we pass through “the cloud of unknowing” as it has been expressed in the Christian mystical tradition, we will discover the doorway to the higher realms.
Friday, June 9th, 2023
Crossing into the Spirit Realm
Beyond the experience of self-forgetting we will learn to stay relaxed and present as we pass through the boundary of another dimension of being. As we move through this crossover point we will emerge as our soul-self on its multi-lifetime return to the source.
Saturday, June 10th, 2023
Soul Development
Entering and resting in the higher realms is the key to the development of our soul. As we learn to release any conscious control of our awareness, it will be moved into new visions of possibility and energetic flows of realization that feed our soul so that it moves closer to divinity.
Sunday, June 11th, 2023
Manifesting the Invisible
Our journeys to the realm of the soul bring us into an invisible world. Our ability to perceive that world increases as we strive to express what we have seen in words or images. Our efforts to articulate expand our imaginations, making us more sensitive to the energies of spirit.

Retreat Details:

You will receive materials that provide all the information you need to support you to create a true retreat experience during these 4 days.

These materials will include:

  • Detailed instructions for setting up your retreat space.
  • Information for using the video conferencing platform.
  • Guidelines for making the best use of the virtual format.

This is a full virtual retreat conducted live with Jeff Carreira for 8-hours each day.

Each day will begin with meditation, followed by an hour of spiritual instruction and guidance that will create context for that day’s practice.

Each day will end with a 30-minute session when you can engage with Jeff about your experience of practice and ask any questions that come up for you.

The rest of the day will be spent in silent practice with a 90-minute lunch break.

Each morning teaching and each evening Q and A session will be recorded and made available to retreat participants in the protected online portal.
Daily Schedule (in US Eastern Time)
10:00am to 10:45am
  • Meditation Session
11:00am to 12:00pm
  • Teaching Session with Jeff
12:15pm - 1:00pm
  • Meditation Session
1:00pm to 2:30pm
  • Lunch Break
2:30pm to 3:15pm
  • Meditation Session
3:30pm to 4:15pm
  • Meditation Session
4:30pm to 5:15pm
  • Meditation Session
5:30pm to 6:00pm
  • Dialog and Q&A Session with Jeff
What past retreat participants said about their experience...

"We were able to only do three days of this event. But the impact for me was most profound. On our day 4, integration day an awareness of the Truth arose in me and left me totally flummoxed. Just what I have been working for, for so many years. I am truly a different person than the one who started the retreat last Friday. Profound gratitude to Jeff and the team."

~ W. Francis.

"The daily teaching, Q&A's and and meditation sessions were so powerful, they brought such calm and flow to me and in turn to my family. Jeff's teaching enabled me reach greater depth in my meditations as each day passed."

~ T. Bird.

"Jeff’s instructions and felt his passion to lead us into a available view of the world and ourselves. My life is so completely different. I’m looking out with Cosmic Eyes now... Wow So simple and so wonderful. Thank you."

~ N. Torrence.

"This retreat was a wonderful and profound experience of sinking into the depth of Being. Experiencing blissful happiness and liberation, just abiding there, without needing anything. Even in the face of challenges from outside, like a noisy neighourhood."

~ J. van den Bogaard.

"The retreat came at the perfect time in my life. It was the calm at the end of an internal and external storm that led to deep insights and deepening Awareness of my True Self. Jeff has an ability to transmit deep truths that find a home in soul."

~ M. Earlenbaugh.

"The retreat was eye opening and life-changing, giving me a new understanding of me as a soul, and deepening my relationship with it. Giving all day to meditation for a few days, rather than an hour a day for a prolonged period, has brought changes in me that are indescribable. I did not want it end!"

~ J. Aebi.

The Most Frequently Asked Question
Can I still do this retreat if:
  • …there are other people living in my house?
  • …I will need to take care of my children?
  • …I won’t be able to do all of the retreat?
  • …I will need to do some work in the evenings?

Essentially, people want to know if this virtual retreat can be customized to fit their schedule and needs, and the answer is yes, it can be, and I want to explain a little more about how.

First of all let me explain how the retreat will work.

I will be online with you for 8 hours a day, from Thursday, June 8th - Sunday, June 11th, 2023.

I will start the day with teachings and instructions, I will end the day with a Q & A session, and in between we will meditate together.

Now to give a more detailed answer to the question above:

If you can devote yourself entirely to the virtual retreat from Thursday, June 8th - Sunday, June 11th, 2023, then I suggest you do. That means unplugging your phone, remaining in silence, and doing extra practice around the 8-hours with me. You will receive detailed instructions for how to best organize your time as the retreat draws nearer.

I realize that many of us just can’t devote that much time and attention, but you can still get tremendous benefit from the retreat while accommodating responsibilities and family.

Variation 1:
You can do just the 8 hours a day live with me for four days and take care of other responsibilities around that. You would stay in silence during the 8 hours with me, and speak as necessary outside of that.

Variation 2:
You can listen live to the teaching session and/or Q and A session with me, and do as much (or as little) meditation as you can in addition to that.

Variation 3:
You will get the recording of both the teaching session and Q and A session with me each day, so you can listen to them whenever it works for you, or do the entire retreat over again at your convenience.

Any variation of the retreat can be profound and even life-transforming, especially when you keep one critical guideline in mind - commit to the retreat you’re doing and don’t worry about it.

If you need to do work, or take care of children, or anything else while doing the retreat, just do it and don’t worry about it. Taking care of your responsibilities doesn’t have to have any negative impact on your retreat, as long as you don’t worry about it.

If there are things you need to do outside of the retreat, even if they involve talking, just do what you need to, as fully as you can, and then return to the retreat without giving it another thought. As long as you don’t make a problem out of it, these activities won’t mean a thing. In fact one of the great insights you could get from doing the retreat would be the realization that nothing can disturb your retreat if you don’t let it.

These thoughts should answer any questions you might have about accommodating this retreat to fit your schedule.

Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.