Next Dates: TBA

Twelve Weeks

Zoom Video Conferencing


It is my pleasure to introduce this program and encourage you to take it.

I met Susan Kullman a few years ago when I taught in her yoga studio and I was immediately impressed with the depth and breadth of her wisdom, and her clarity and passion as a teacher.

Over the past couple of years, I've had several opportunities to teach with Susan both virtually and in-person and I can say with full confidence that she is truly an excellent teacher, having both the penetrating focus needed to reveal the truth, and the deep compassion that allows her to nurture and inspire our breakthroughs.

This program provides an opportunity to do work that is essential and perfectly complementary to everything that I teach in terms of spiritual awakening and paradigm shifting.

Please read through this information and see if this program calls to you.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
“Transcendence is about choosing pleasure over fear.
Passion is the fuel which creates. Fear is the fuel that destroys.”
- Susan Kullman
of the Opportunity

We enter the path of transformation because we feel constrained, limited and unfulfilled.

We see our potential, but we don't necessarily know how to realize it.

In this 12-week program, spiritual & self mastery coach Susan Kullman will train you in the art and science of neurological repatterning and self-transformation.

Our self, our personality, our personhood is the vehicle of our spirit.

A direct connection with divinity is always available to us, but how well that connection is maintained, sustained and expressed depends on the strength of our sense of self.

Our self sense is created from a vast and intricate collection of mental, emotional and behavioral habits. Our consciousness and our spirit ride those habits as if on a horse.

The life you are living, and your future potential, is dramatically influenced by the patterning of your personality. Some of our patterning is positive, strong and healthy, and some is weak and even destructive to our well being.

The ideal formula for human life is simple; a clear and healthy sense of self that is constantly infused, guided and inspired by a direct connection with the spiritual source of being.

Radical self-transformation occurs when an awakened heart and mind exists in a well developed self.

If we aspire to be fully actualized as an awakened human being, we must engage ongoingly with our personal development as well as spiritual awakening.

And of course, personal development and spiritual awakening are not separate from one another.

The quality of your personality supports your capacity to be awake, and the depth of your awakening enhances your ability to personally develop.

The miracle of Conscious Evolution always involves a dynamic interplay between personal development and spiritual awakening.

In this program you will engage with your own conscious evolution and radical self-transformation.

Over the course of 12 weeks you will uncover, examine, and shift some of your deepest patterning in service of your highest evolution.

All of the personal growth work you do in this program will be aimed at fulfilling your highest potential as an awakened evolving being.

This course has been meticulously designed to take you through the process of radical self-transformation.

The program begins by guiding you through the necessary understanding and personal reflection that builds your capacity for deep inner and outer growth.

It continues by offering techniques that allow you to discover your highest potentials.

At that point, you will be taken through a series of discovery and repatterning steps that release negative, self-inhibiting patterns, and replace them with life-affirming, growth-enhancing patterns that will serve your conscious evolution.

You will leave this program a different person than you were when you started, and you will walk away with a powerful set of tools and techniques that you can use and apply throughout your life as the journey of conscious evolution continues to unfold.

Are you ready to truly create the life you desire?

You Will Learn and Practice
Sacred Geometry Meditation
This is an ancient practice from the taoist tradition that Susan learned during a 20-year apprenticeship with a taoist yoga teacher. The trials and tribulations of life often fragment our thinking and compartmentalize our emotions. In this practice you will learn to visualize sacred shapes to organize and bring greater coherence to your thoughts and feelings, that will balance the energies of expansion and focus that are both essential to facilitate growth.
Validating Emotions
Most of us learned at an early age to invalidate many of our feelings. We were told we were wrong for having them, and learned not to feel them at all. Our unconscious habits of nullifying our feelings is one of the biggest obstacles to transformation. In this program you will learn to illuminate previously hidden feelings so you can experience them objectively and embrace them completely. In this way you will move into a deep sense of wholeness and strength.
Sentence Completion Self-Discovery
In this program, you will use sentence completion techniques that bypass your habitual filters and unlock the power of your unconscious mind. Using these practices of self-inquiry and self-discovery you will illuminate the deep neurological patterns within you and see how those patterns were originally established in your psyche. These inquiries will reveal your potential to move beyond your set patterning, releasing old ways of being and establishing new ones.
Session Summaries
Session 1:
Building the Capacity To Transcend and Evolve
Saturday, September 12th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will clarify your desire and learn to be objective by:
  • Articulating what you want.
  • Exploring the value of what you want.
  • Planning for the fulfillment of your desire.
  • Energetically harmonize your brain patterning for optimal success. (Using the Sacred Geometry Meditation.)
Session 2:
Finding The Courage to be Authentic
Saturday, September 26th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will uncover and release your authentic self, by:
  • Illuminating habits of seeking approval from others.
  • Developing the attitude of self-mastery.
  • Learning to accept your feelings without judgement.
  • Exploring the capacities and potentials of your authentic self.
Session 3:
Decoding Your Neurological Patterning
Saturday, October 10th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will learn to release your unconscious emotional blocks by:
  • Understanding how your neurological patterning shapes you.
  • Recognizing how your challenges result from mental patterning.
  • Uncovering the negative patterns that emerged in your family.
  • Learning the science of how the brain develops from our life experiences
Session 4:
Maintaining the Energy, Integrity and Persistence Needed for Evolutionary Growth
Saturday, October 24th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will learn how to establish and maintain healthy boundaries by:
  • Learning the value of healthy boundaries for conserving our own energy.
  • Understanding the consequences of violating boundaries.
  • Identifying and building new healthy boundaries for yourself.
  • Discovering how to meet our physical and emotional needs.
Session 5:
Becoming Whole: Tools For Self-Compassion and Integration
Saturday, November 7th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will learn to move lovingly through the process of transformation by:
  • Connecting with the part of yourself that wants to grow.
  • Relaxing and integrating into the energy of your higher self
  • Uncovering negative messages you internalized as a child.
  • Re-patterning beliefs to clear a path to your desired life.
Session 6:
Learning To Fly: Developing the Trust to Let Go and Transcend
Saturday, November 21st (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In this session you will move through the unknown into your desired life by:
  • Allowing your imagination to expand and envision the life you truly desire.
  • Learning how to create beyond the limitations of what we know.
  • Embodying the qualities you need to manifest your highest potential.
  • Building unshakeable confidence in your ability to fulfill your dreams.
Session 7:
Pulling it all together: The Structure to Transcend
Saturday, December 5th (12 Noon to 1:30pm US Eastern time)
In the final session you will bring everything you learned together by exploring a hypothetical case study of transformation, By following a journey of transformation you will see how everything you’ve learned can be put together in a structured journey of transcendence and evolution.
This program also includes...
Radical Self-Transformation
Re-Programming for Growth and Evolution

A Self-Coaching Workbook

When you register for the Radical Self-Transformation: Re-Programming for Growth and Evolution program, you will receive a print copy of our beautifully designed Self-Coaching Workbook. This book will guide your through work that you can do on your own.

Each live session has a set of associated exercises and practices that are described in the workbook for you to follow over the two weeks between sessions. In the live sessions Susan will provide all of the guidance you need to follow the exercises through a journey of discovery, transcendence and transformation. You will find the step by step instruction provided in the workbook to be an invaluable aid in your own transformative process.

A Summary of
What’s Included:
7 Live Sessions with Susan Kullman
  • Each session is conducted via Zoom Video Conference on Saturdays from 12:00 noon to 1:30pm US Eastern Time.
A Self-Coaching Workbook
  • The Self Coaching Workbook comes with detailed exercises to complete between the live sessions.
Additional Audio and Written Instruction

There are four different practices that you will use periodically throughout this course that require additional instruction. In order to be sure that you have all of the guidance you need to be successful you will receive each of the following:

  • Sacred Geometry Guided Meditation Audio
  • Validation Process Audio Guidance
  • Giving to Yourself Audio Guidance
  • Enmeshment Visualization Audio Guidance
  • Learning How To Approach Sentence Completions Handout
An Online Course Portal
  • A dedicated online course portal that will house all course materials and is easy to navigate and use.
What People Are Saying
about their work with Susan Kullman

“I can not tell you how your teachings have completely changed my thoughts, behaviors, emotions, feelings, outlook. Thank you with all my heart.”

“Thank you for this wonderful course! You have a gift for making this whole approach very clear.”

“I especially like the guided meditations and thought provoking discussions in the group sessions. I can already see the positive benefits in my life.”

“Susan Kullman is a true professional, well qualified and extremely passionate, especially about helping her clients. Having searched for decades to enhance my 'peace of mind', her guidance and support made an important difference for me. Susan is now my personal coach and I highly recommend her.”

Register by Friday, August 28th to participate in:
Exploring the Dynamics of Human Potential
Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening and Conscious Evolution
A Special Bonus workshop
with Susan Kullman and Jeff Carreira
Saturday, August 29th | 11:00am to 2:00pm US Eastern Time

In this special 3-hour bonus workshop you will work with Susan Kullman and Jeff Carreira to establish solid ground for the Radical Self-Transformation program.

You will explore how our true human potential can only be achieved through the skillful interplay of personal development, spiritual awakening and conscious evolution.

Conscious evolution is the goal of our transformational work.

Over many decades humanity has gained a profound understanding of the mechanisms of inner and outer human growth.

Conscious evolution is the skillful application of that understanding to unlock, unleash and realize our full potential in life.

Our full potential will not be realized unless we engage deeply with both personal development and spiritual awakening.

We are a person, a unique individual with specific strengths and challenges. Everything we do relies upon the health and wellbeing of our personality and ego.

We need to develop a sense of self and positive personal habits that will allow us to hold the overwhelming magnitude of spiritual awakening.

We also need to be fluid and flexible enough to continually transform through the twists and turns of the long journey to Self Actualization.

In this workshop you will explore how conscious evolution actually works, and most importantly, you will see ways that you can develop to support that journey.

When we awaken, we discover the overwhelming truth of who we are.

Yes, we are a personality and a unique individual, but we are much more than that. We are a cosmic being that is not separate from any other element of life.

When a person with a strong, stable and fluid sense of self, awakens to their true nature, they are initiated onto the path of conscious evolution.

At this point, the cosmic being that you are can shine through the personality and manifest in miraculous ways.

In this workshop you will:
  • engage with practices and exercises that illuminate how development, awakening and evolution really happen..
  • discover the strengths that are already supporting you on the path, and some places where you can become even stronger.
  • learn about traps and pitfalls and how to avoid them easily as your progress on your own journey to wholeness.
This workshop is offered as preliminary work for the 12-week course.
Register by Friday, August 28, 2020 to participate.
Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.