Sundays, June 5th - 26th, 2022

Four Weeks

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


In this engaged and experiential program, with four in-depth workshops, you will immerse you in the wisdom and transformative journey of Adventure in Zanskar and learn how to distill the most important insights from your own epic journey.

In my bestselling book, Adventure in Zanskar, I not only go on a courageous adventure, I also refine my ability to interpret the lessons learned and to absorb wisdom from the masters I encountered and the culture I embedded herself in.

In this program, you will develop a deeper understanding of key principles of perennial wisdom I learned while living in Zanskar, including interconnectedness, impermanence, non-grasping, and generosity. You will learn liberating ways to interpret your own experience. And you will also discover how to truly see the epic nature of your own path of development as you write about your own journey. In this unique format, you will not only delve more deeply into the insights of the book, you will also make them your own by applying them to the narrative of your own life.

Through these four highly focused and intentional discovery workshops, you will discover a wellspring of inspiration and learn to avoid the common mental habits that undermine our passion and knock us off track. I have refined these methods of pursuing personal, collective, and cultural transformation over decades, inspiring the many adults I have worked with and creating a thriving non-profit to bring the key insights, in a relevant format, to more than 17,000 urban high school students. What I teach comes with a sensitivity to life circumstances, compassion for the difficulties we all encounter, and a pragmatic approach to transformation. In this program you will have the opportunity to work directly with me to feel into these supports and allow them to open up new vistas in your own inner life.

Why Embark on this Epic Journey program?

So many of us undervalue our own experience and overlook the sustaining wisdom that can support us on a day-to-day basis. These habits of self-sabotage knock the wind out of our sails and keep us searching or grasping for what we have already realized. Meditative teachings from all traditions show us how to relate to our minds and to these habits, yet too often we hear those teachings in a rarefied retreat environment without understanding how to live them in our own lives. Through this series of in-depth workshops, using Adventure in Zanskar as a springboard, you will explore the most profound insights of one unique epic journey and at the same time learn how to apply the universal principles revealed in your own life.

When you engage in each self-contained workshop, the perennial principles of awakening and transformation will come alive. You will experience how meditation and contemplation can both be a gateway to illumination, wholeness, and fulfillment. You will have the opportunity to engage in a form of deep dialogue with others that can open portals of profound understanding. You will also have the opportunity to write and reflect on your own epic journey, seeing how it is not the details that matter as much as the lens through which you are perceiving.

Most of all, in this program, working closely with my guidance, you will discover an orientation to life that is filled with joy and curiosity. You will touch into that innate human goodness that is part of the fabric of life, giving you hope, inspiration, and strength. We all need a community of deep discovery and authentic encouragement to thrive. Our world needs beacons of hope. In this program, we will learn, empower, and shine for our own liberated awakening and for the healing and transformation of our world.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


In this program
You will explore:

How to Invite Breakthrough

You will discover how to rest in soft, vulnerable and open receptivity, in which you become available to receive mystical revelation.
How to Cultivate Fearless Equanimity
You will build a steadfast and unmoving stance that allows you to travel through the experience of revelation without recoiling or being distracted.
How to Creatively Illuminate the Path
You will participate in the unfolding of realization by exploring the nature of your experience and listening for the wisdom that is being revealed to you.
What You Will Discover...
Each of the workshops will include a talk by Amy Edelstein, in which she will explore one of the key principles. There will be periods of meditation, small and large group discussion, and writing exercises centered on the theme of the workshop and on working with your own epic journey.
Workshop One:
When Does An Epic Journey Truly Begin?
June 5th 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In this workshop, we will explore the nature of the path, question the starting or catalyst points, and process what it means to plant your stake in an ideal.
  • A talk by Amy Edelstein;
  • Meditation, small and large group discussions and writing exercises;
  • An inspirational study guide with key take-aways and contemplation exercises to help you integrate and deepen the insights you are discovering;
  • A workshop audio recording and transcript.
Workshop Two:
Acclimatizing to the Journey
June 12th 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
Initiation begins a path of discovery. Acclimatization is the process of becoming accustomed to great upheaval in our lives as we seek for profound growth and transformation. We often have set ideas of how our journey is meant to unfold, overlooking the key insights and opportunities to cultivate depth along the way. In this workshop, we will explore the stages of acclimatization and work with methods that develop the time-honored virtues of patience and equanimity, learning how to build a solid foundation for the long run.
  • A talk by Amy Edelstein;
  • Meditation, small and large group discussions and writing exercises;
  • An inspirational study guide with key take-aways and contemplation exercises to help you integrate and deepen the insights you are discovering;
  • A workshop audio recording and transcript.
Workshop Three:
Working with Obstacles
June 19th 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
Hardship is an inevitable aspect of life and of the transformative path. In this workshop you will develop ways to work with difficulty, doubt, and despair to emerge with a greater sense of trust in your own life and in the guidance we all can discover when we commit to a truly epic journey for the benefit of all beings and living systems.
  • A talk by Amy Edelstein;
  • Meditation, small and large group discussions and writing exercises;
  • An inspirational study guide with key take-aways and contemplation exercises to help you integrate and deepen the insights you are discovering;
  • A workshop audio recording and transcript.
Workshop Four:
Victory! Embracing the Lessons Learned
June 26th 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
This final workshop will focus on the fruits of an epic journey. What are the riches revealed, even if we believe we haven't yet come to the end of the path? How does valuing our own process bring a sense of closeness, openness, and generosity in all our interactions? You will pull together the strands of your own journey, adding depth and dimensionality and perhaps also revealing the great next step. "Just as a clear lake reflects the unblemished sky, so the awakened mind reflects the clear light of emptiness."
  • A talk by Amy Edelstein;
  • Meditation, small and large group discussions and writing exercises;
  • An inspirational study guide with key take-aways and contemplation exercises to help you integrate and deepen the insights you are discovering;
  • A workshop audio recording and transcript.
Words of Praise from Past Program Participants

"Amy has such a clear way of speaking and such a caring way of being, I find it hard to believe anyone can make such subtle points relevant, authentic, and at the same time understandable! I feel like I've grown tremendously not just by what she teaches but also by how she is."

~ Cheryl, Philadelphia

"Amy's a teacher of leaders. Her depth of understanding and her openness to learn pulls everyone up. I have a very responsible position at work and even though this course was all about teaching meditation, it enhanced my performance in my professional career in ways that were completely unexpected - and visible to my colleagues!

~ Sharon, Seattle

"I loved our group discussions, they were mind-blowing! I felt totally safe to express myself, be different, and still belong. It's hard to find groups where people really listen to you. I don't know how she did it, but the way Amy teaches created that space for all of us to be able to be with each other and feel heard."

~ Thomas, Delaware

"Working with Amy was eye-opening on many levels. I just loved her stories. They are amazing! And I always felt included. Without making a big deal out of it, somehow everyone was welcomed and that made all our discussions so rich!"

~ Sal, New Jersey

"Drawing on her decades of focused contemplative practice, Amy proved to be an easy-to-follow, wonderful guide for me. She draws from such a wealth of experience from different wisdom traditions, and her programs always incorporate so many different modes of inquiry. Everything points to the same opening, yet there are a variety of entry points for different types of people, I found this so valuable!"

~ John, New Jersey

"With the depth of her experience Amy was able to help each of us trust our deepest insights and confidently become autonomous. She truly values the time and the intuitions that we share, and with care and deep ease she knows how to renew our interest and inspiration for Spirit. Nothing is forced, and yet she fosters and encourages a flowering of our deep gifts."

~ Danielle, Atlanta

Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.