
6 x 45min Teachings

Via Audio Recordings


The recorded teachings included in this program come from a 6-day live retreat held in February of 2024 at a retreat center in the jungle of Mexico.

What makes these teachings unique is that all of the retreat participants were seasoned practitioners who had experienced various forms of awakening and were already actively engaged with me and the teachings of Transdimensional Spirituality.

The focus of the teachings given were deeply personal and practical and the atmosphere of the retreat was open, honest and vulnerable. This allowed me to share candidly about my own spiritual journey, not just historically, but more importantly as I was experiencing it, in the moment.

The teachings contain a detailed account of the higher possibilities and opportunities that are becoming available to all of us. My guidance directed everyone to look deeply into the spiritual openings that are calling them and this allowed everyone to discover the energies that are driving their own spiritual quest.

In addition to individual awakening, this retreat also focused on the power that is unleashed when we work together to become more conscious of the intersubjective space between us and explore how to open that space to higher dimensional possibilities. The power of the collective aspect of the retreat increased exponentially over the week.

The explorations that occurred are far-ranging, yet they always lead back to the miraculous possibilities that always already exist in the experience of the present moment and the intersubjective space between us. As the days passed, the collective space became more spirituality charged as deeper and more profound insights emerged between everyone.

As our work together continued to build, it became clear that we always exist in a multi-dimensional reality and we can shift our perception of the present moment to reveal the higher dimensions all around us.

The teachings offered in this program contain detailed guidance and explanation for practitioners who want to deepen their access to higher possibilities and catalyze greater transformation in their own lives.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
What You Will Discover:
  • Discover the depths you already have access to when you relax in unquestioned faith.
  • Explore your capacity for instantaneously expanding your experience of awareness.
  • Learn to tune into the higher dimensions that always exist in the present moment.
  • Open to the experience of joyful communion as a powerful form of spiritual practice.
  • Locate the edge of the transformative opportunity that is living through you right now.
  • Understand how to work together to elevate the field of consciousness between us.
The Titles for Each day
  • Day 1: Surrendering to the Divine - What Opportunity is Opening for You?
  • Day 2: Resting in the Experience of Contact?
  • Day 3: The Only Game in Town
  • Day 4: Levels of Consciousness and Your Centre of Gravity
  • Day 5: Your Private Retreat (The One that You Don't Share)
  • Day 6: The World We Occupy Together

The registration fee is $300 per person.

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