Next Dates: TBD

Twelve Weeks

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


It is truly thrilling to invite you to participate in the 'Awakening to a New Paradigm' 12-week intensive. This is the most complete and comprehensive program I’ve ever offered. As part of the program, you will be provided with detailed daily instruction that will guide you through a journey of awakening and transformation.

You will learn how to release the conscious and unconscious filters that bind you into the dominant paradigm of separation, division and isolation, and enter into the newly emerging paradigm of wholeness, unity and mutuality.

You will be inspired to act as what I call an Artist of Possibility – someone with a free spirit and unusual access to divine realities, who can see possibilities that do not yet exist and help bring them into being.

The Awakening to a New Paradigm 12-week intensive illuminates the delicate process of spiritual release and personal transformation step by precious step with precision and care.

I hope you feel called to join.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
- Anaïs Nin
In this program

You Will Explore:


Awakening Beyond the Limits of the Current Paradigm

We are all born into a paradigm. That means we are born into a set of shared assumptions about what is possible and what is not possible. And those limitations are constantly strengthened and reinforced by almost everyone we will ever meet. They become part of the invisible background of constraint that we can feel but not see.

At some point, some of us start to feel suffocated by the overwhelming sense of shoulds and shouldn’ts that are being imposed on us and that we impose on ourselves. That’s because, whether we realize it or not, we’ve experienced something bigger and we know more is possible. We realize that we are more than what we think we are, and a lot more is possible than we’ve been told.

The expansive majesty of who you really are and what’s possible is much bigger than you suspect.

You see, we are constrained perceptually, conceptually and emotionally by the dictates of the current paradigm, to a much greater extent than we ever dreamed of. Without knowing it, we live in a closed off box of possibility that is suffocating our True Self and our Real Potential.

The Awakening to a New Paradigm program was created to support you to examine the limiting beliefs and assumptions that shape your reality so you can open to the magnificence of who you really are.

I know, this sounds like unreasonably big talk, but nothing could be further from the truth.

What is truly unreasonable is how small the current paradigm wants you to believe you are.

Becoming an Artist of Possibility

My life’s work is dedicated to helping people like you break out of the constraints of limiting beliefs and assumptions that keep you from realizing your full spiritual potential.

What is your full spiritual potential?

I speak about it as becoming an Artist of Possibility.

That means becoming someone who lives into the possibilities that lie beyond the edge of our current reality and brings them to life in creative acts of inspired imagination.

Artists of Possibility are exactly what our world needs right now. You see, the current paradigm is not only limiting what is possible for you, it limits what’s possible period. So many of the challenges that our world faces – global warming, terrorism, economic disparity – can never be adequately addressed within the current paradigm.

Solutions to the major problems of the world will only come from beyond the limits of our current ways of seeing, feeling and understanding.

“Most of the major problems in the world are caused by the difference between the way we think and the way the world actually works.”
~ Gregory Bateson

This program is about becoming a different kind of human being.
Do you feel called to a transformation that big?

Module Overview
Module 1:
Understanding and Committing to the Transformation
Date: TBD
In the first module of the program, you will begin your journey by exploring the depth of transformation that is implied when we talk about a paradigm shift. The practices and exercises that you do each day of this module will reveal some of the most foundational assumptions that keep you locked in a perceptual prison. And, you will discover the fears and false ideas that you need to release in order to break free from the limits of the familiar and enter into a different order of human life.
Live Introductory Workshop with Jeff Carreira
  • Date to be determined.
Weekly Themes
  • Week 1: Clarifying Intention and Finding Support
  • Week 2: Paradigm Shifting and “Wormhole” Inquiry
  • Week 3: Who is it that wants to be free?
  • Week 4: The Science of Paradigm Shifting
Module 2:
Letting Go of the Way Things Have Been
Date: TBD
In the second module, you will spend 4 weeks practicing The Art of Conscious Contentment. You will receive a copy of the book The Art of Conscious Contentment and a 20-minute guided audio meditation every weekday. Each day, you will go deeper into a practice that releases you from the fears, worries and concerns of your mind. You will discover a depth of freedom and ease that you may never have known before. And from that depth of freedom, you will be profoundly open and ready for real change to enter your life.
Live Introductory Workshop with Jeff Carreira
  • Date to be determined.
Weekly Themes
  • Week 5: It’s What You See
  • Week 6: A Very Important Thing
  • Week 7: It Comes Out of No Source
  • Week 8: Once You’ve Tasted the Nectar of Silence
Module 3:
Entering into a New Paradigm
Date: TBD
During the final module of the program, we move into a deeper exploration of our most foundational assumption about life. For two weeks, you will work to dislodge your awareness from the assumption of separate existence. The final two weeks of the module are reserved for daily dialog sessions with Jeff Carreira so that we can unpack and refine every aspect of this supremely delicate process and explore your future as an artist of possibility who will bring unrealized potentials into manifestation to share with the world.
Live Introductory Workshop with Jeff Carreira
  • Date to be determined.
Weekly Themes
  • Week 9: Nothing Changes, but Everything Is Different
  • Week 10: Becoming Available for a New Identity
  • Week 11: Becoming an Artist of Possibility
  • Week 12: Becoming an Artist of Possibility
Live Concluding Workshop with Jeff Carreira
  • Date to be determined.
“The misconception which has haunted philosophical literature throughout the centuries is the notion of ‘independent existence.’ There is no such mode of existence: every entity is to be understood in terms of the way it is interwoven with the rest of the universe.”
~ Alfred North Whitehead
This program includes
Three Transformational Books
Available to order after you register.
Transformative Practice Journal
Awakening to a New Paradigm
Transformative Practice Journal

At the core of this program are 60 days of detailed practice and inquiry instructions that are offered each weekday of every module. These instructions will ask you to spend approximately 30 to 50 minutes engaged in a specific practice or inquiry. Most days will include some journal writing.

All of the daily instructions and all of the space you will need for journaling are contained in a beautiful Transformative Practice Journal that is 8.5 X 11 inches in size containg over 150 beautifully designed pages. It has been beautifully designed and is full of engaging explanations and descriptions so that all of the work you do comes to life on its pages.

When the course is complete, your Transformative Practice Journal will become a permanent record of your journey that you can refer back to again and again.

Paradigm Shifting and The Art of Conscious Contentment Books
The Art of Conscious Contentment
by Jeff Carreira
Paradigm Shifting: Guiding Evolution from the Inside Out
by Jeff Carreira

There are two books by Jeff Carreira that are offered as essential reading for this program. One is The Art of Conscious Contentment which is a manual for meditation. The other is Paradigm Shifting, A Manual For Transformative Inquiry. Both books, along with The Transformative Practice Journal, are included in paperback editions with this program.

All three books will be available to order after you register.

A Summary of
What’s Included:
4 x Live 3 Hour Workshops with Jeff Carreira
  • Each workshop is conducted via Zoom Video Conference.
60 Days of Detailed Instruction for Daily Practice and Inquiry
  • All beautiful described and illustrated in your Transformative Practice Journal.
Paperback Copies of Three Books
  • The Transformative Practice Journal
  • The Art of Conscious Contentment by Jeff Carreira
  • Paradigm Shifting by Jeff Carreira
An Online Course Portal
  • Containing the audio materials you will use in the program and serving as a platform for communicating with Jeff and other participants.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will the live workshops and dialog sessions with Jeff Carreira be conducted?

All of the live sessions with Jeff Carreira will be conducted via conference call which you can access by phone or over the internet. You will receive all of the instructions you need to participate live.

I don’t think I can attend all the live workshops and dialog sessions with Jeff Carreira, should I register anyway?

All of the live sessions with Jeff Carreira will be recorded and you will receive an MP3 copy of each recording before the next morning. Please register even if you know you may not be able to attend every live session. You will not miss any of the program.

If I can’t attend one of the dialog sessions can I still ask questions?

Yes, you can send in your questions in writing through the online course portal and Jeff will address them during the dialog session so you can hear the response when you listen to the recording later.

If I register late will I get my books in time to start the program?

All three paperback versions of the books will be mailed to you at the end of January, 2020, and e-copies will be provided in the course portal for download at this time as well.

I am not sure that I have 30 minutes a day to do this program, should I register anyway?

Shifting into a different way of being is a big endeavor and it requires consistent and wholehearted effort on your part. That being said, we know you live a busy life. That’s why we left a little time each weekend for you to catch up on any of the practices you may have missed. You will need to give time to this program every week, but of course the amount of time can be adjusted and arranged to fit your schedule.

Register by Friday, February 28, 2020 to participate in:
What Makes Real Spiritual Transformation Possible?
A 3-Hour workshop with Jeff Carreira
Saturday, February 29 - 11am to 2pm US Eastern Time.

Those of us who’ve been pursuing spiritual work – whether we just started or have been at it for decades – got into for a very good reason – we knew spiritual transformation was possible and we wanted that for ourselves.

Many of us have experienced spiritual transformation – or at least we think we have – but we seem to slip back into the person we were before over and over again.

During 2020 I intend to offer a number of opportunities designed to not only catalyze spiritual transformation but maintain it.

In this workshop you will explore a powerful way to understand what spiritual transformation is, how it can be ignited in your own heart and mind, and most importantly how that transformation can become your permanent center.

Participating in this workshop is itself a spiritual transformation. You will need to enter it slowly with a wide-open heart and mind. You will need to hear things you’ve heard before as if for the first time. And you will need to embrace some completely new ways of seeing as if you had known them all along.

When we talk about our spirit, we are talking about that which moves us, we are talking about the place that we originate from.

When we talk about spiritual transformation, we are talking about a shift in our origin point – we are going to allow ourselves to be moved by a completely different source.

The fundamental transformation is pretty well known by many of us.

Currently our experience of reality and the energy that drives us are both coming from the fears and desires of a separate sense of self that pushes its agendas forward with willpower.

The spiritual transformation we seek means giving up any sense of self and being moved by the mysterious source of wisdom and compassion that exists at the heart of the cosmos. As I said, most of us already know this, unfortunately knowing it has very little to do with living it.

What you will explore in this workshop:
  • How your current point of origin is maintained by the paradigm we live in.
  • How to relax your awareness until it slips beyond its current point of origin.
  • How it is possible to consciously shift the way you see reality.
  • How shifting your perception of reality actually shifts what’s real.
  • How to change your life so that you will continue to live in a new reality.
  • What becomes possible for those who spiritually transform in this way.
This workshop is offered as preliminary work for the 12-week course.
Register by Friday, February 28, 2020 to participate.
Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.