
Little Bird and the Quest for Happiness

by Vanessa Sorensen
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Little Bird and the Quest for Happiness tells the tale of a little bird who asks her Mother, “What is the purpose of life?” Mother Bird’s answer sends Little Bird on a visually stunning adventure through indigo valleys, lakes, and mountains where she encounters many wise sages. Each being offers Little Bird their own unique answer to this age-old question. Does Little Bird complete her quest? Will she find her way home? Find the answer in this beautifully illustrated book inspired by Chinese folk designs and Buddhist wisdom.

Published by
Mystery School Press
Vanessa Sorensen
My name is Vanessa Sorensen and I am a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, sculptor, printmaker, and author. I am an ardent student of life and a lover of beauty. My passion lies in finding beauty in the everyday, the mundane, ... in the aged and worn. I am a dabbler, a seeker, a mammalogist, and a zoophile. I love to get up close to things, to study know them. I am a collector of quotes, vintage table linens, cast iron insects and pebbles rounded smooth by the ocean. I am most happy when I am at home throwing myself head over heals into a project. For more on my latest projects visit my blog,, or my website