
Bridges of Golden Light

Multidimensional Experiences - My Piece of the Cosmic Puzzle
by Adriana Colotti Comel
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This spiritually illuminating book is a delight to read. It takes you on the author's journey of freedom and higher awareness. You will witness the gradual unfolding of an awakening that opened her to the mysteries of energy healing and enlightenment. The book is only part biographical, it is also a detailed exploration of higher wisdom that reveals hard won insights and understanding that can dramatically transform your life. It is written in an engaging style that weaves together story, explanation, and poetry into a seamless whole. The book itself is a spiritual journey that will take you through the inevitable darkness of human life into the exhilarating heights of divinity. In these pages you will discover the deeper significance and purpose of being here, on this planet, at the auspicious time. You are invited into a portal that leads to a higher dimension or reality where time and space do not exist. In that expansive space, you will become intimate with your deepest self and reflect on the purpose that is already beginning to shine through you. The wisdom of this book offers a loving framework through which a profound understanding of yourself and the world around you emerges. Please read this book as a spiritual practice. Each time you engage with it, allow the words to wash over you and gently unlock the mystery of human existence. As you read, the light of illumination will shine through the words leaving you inspired and uplifted.
Published by
Mystery School Press
Adriana Colotti Comel
I am a bridge of light. From the stars and from the earth. My core energy flows in both directions. From above, higher energies and frequencies of light. From below, softer energies from the womb of the earth. This column of light from the center above to the center below and from the center below to the center above as a chalice for the light pouring in from cosmos and the spring of energy coming up from the center of the earth through you. You are that light that radiates outward. It shines brightly from your heart. It bridges with your mind and melds as a flow of infinite love to be manifested here on earth as the power of love embodied and shared with other co creators blessing the planet with your unique presence. You are invited to be this bridge of light and share your wisdom and love with other like minded beings, for the sake of the sacred life we are, in oneness. Infinite Gratitude. Adriana