Uninterrupted Melody
Writing by Janine Rayner
Face, Old Woman, People
Artwork by Pippa ArendPatience
Writing by Liz StoneWriting The Light
A Poem by Adriana Colotti ComelMoments
Writing by Marcia Earlenbaugh
In this issue we explore magic, mysticism and the paranormal. Many of us who are driven to live a spiritual life have experienced strange and profound events that can't be explained. It seems that throughout history, anomalous experiences of this type have fascinated humanity. What are these bizarre and often inexplicable occurrences? Can we explain them? Are they useful to our spiritual growth and awakening? These are the types of questions we will ask, and attempt to answer, in these pages.
This issue contains three feature pieces. The first is an interview with Dr. Jeffrey J. Kripal, a leading academic expert on mystical and paranormal occurrences. Jeffrey's context setting article is followed by a beautiful and thoughtful essay from Christopher Millington. Next, we have an interview with author Gary Lachman who offers his thoughts about magic and how it is being used in the world today. These three pieces, taken together, offer a powerful contemplation of magic, mysticism and the paranormal.
We are also happy to offer a number of other wonderful contributions of poetry, art, as well as an additional essay by Manon Desjardins.
Our featured artist for this issue is Rheana McAnear, whose beautiful imagery is displayed on numerous pages, including this issue's cover page.
We hope you enjoy!