Our inaugural issue centers on the theme of unleashing creativity flow. This feels like an appropriate first theme for a journal that is committed to shifting the paradigm of humanity. No endeavor requires more creative energy than a paradigm shift.
Our first interview is with Chela Rhea Harper, a heavy metal rock musician and a creative alchemy coach. Chela is a remarkable young woman who exemplifies three attributes that are crucial for those of us who want to act as agents of a new paradigm. Namely, a remarkable propensity for spontaneous creativity, a deep commitment to supporting the growth of others, and a living connection to the higher power of creation. It is a pleasure to introduce you to Chela and her work, and to use her story to explore how we can unleash our own creative flow.
Our second feature is based on an interview with author and professor of Asian studies, Edward Slingerland, about his book Trying Not to Try. In this book, Slingerland shares the philosophy of flow as it is expressed in the Chinese spirituality of Lao Tzu and Confucius. Along the way, we learn about the qualities of flow and debate whether flow can occur outside of some shaping container.
Our final feature is an interview with Stephen Nachmanovitch, a student of Gregory Bateson, in which we discuss his new book The Art of Is, improvisation, and the future of our planet.
Finally, our issue is rounded off with a number of wonderful contributions from our members.