Sunday, January 8th, 2023

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


At the beginning of this year, I feel inspired to explore spiritual transformation with you.

In this event I will share the intricacies of how I have come to understand the spiritual path and how to best navigate it as we explore the three stages of spiritual transformation: inner freedom, spiritual breakthrough, and soul development.

When we speak about spiritual transformation, we are referring to a dramatic shift in what inspires and drives our life. Before such a transformation our motivations in life are tightly bound to the concerns of this earthly existence, but afterward we see that our life here on Earth is part of a larger existence that extends beyond our ability to imagine. We recognize that there is a higher calling beginning to propel us forward. The change that takes us from being someone who sees their higher potentials to someone who is living them whole-heartedly is spiritual transformation.

In this call we will:

  • Discover how each of the three stages plays a crucial part in the transformative journey.
  • Explore practices can support us to pass into and beyond each stage of the process.
  • Learn to embrace the inner attitudes and perspectives that can carry us forward.

If you feel called to the possibility of deeper spiritual transformation in this coming year, please join me for this free online event.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
The Three Stages of Spiritual Transformation