October 6th - 12th, 2025

4:00pm Monday - 12:00pm Sunday

Villa Idalina in Caminha, Portugal

$1900 - $3700 pp

This weeklong retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the unimaginable power of inner silence.

True inner silence is the experience of awareness without conceptualization. And what you will discover on this intensive retreat is that only inner silence allows for the sacred unraveling of your true self. Our true self, the source of our being, is hidden from us by false identities and limiting beliefs about reality. A matrix of ideas and assumptions shapes our experience of ourselves and reality. Enlightenment occurs when the matrix of ideas and assumptions that we live inside of, gradually unravel and fall away, leaving us with an immaculately clear perception of the way things really are.

The aim of this retreat is to give you the time and space to rest in true inner silence long enough to see beyond all of the ideas and assumptions that keep you from realizing who you really are.

What becomes possible for you in the atmosphere of this retreat is a stunning encounter with the unadorned nature of your own self. A discovery of the emptiness of self that leads to the recognition that at the core of your being, you are pure awareness.

An extended retreat environment like the one is a rare opportunity to experience your true self with unflinching consistency. There is nothing that accelerates awakening more than prolonged contact with the deeper reality of who you are.

The focus of our retreat will be the cultivation of inner silence.

The retreat will be held in silence - inner and outer. Outer silence means not speaking (aside from the daily opportunity to ask me questions to clarify your experience) and refraining from emails, texts and social media. Outer silence can be difficult because most of us have grown to crave the security that comes from communication. Each time we communicate with another, their response affirms our existence, and without this source of affirmation we often feel a growing sense of existential insecurity.

The outer silence we maintain on this retreat is essential for the unraveling of the True Self because our normal speech tends to repeatedly reinforce familiar self and all of its ideas and assumptions. The outer silence that we will hold is only the beginning, because the true inner silence that we will enter only comes when you stop listening to anything your mind is telling you.

The incessant chatter of our minds constantly reinforces the familiar sense of self that we are trying to see beyond. You cannot stop your mind from thinking, but you can stop paying attention to what it says. Ignoring the chatter of our minds each day will bring a great depth of inner stillness and peaceful ease. We will start to float through each day seeing things from new vantage points and higher perspectives. You will be encouraged not to think about the experiences you have, but instead to allow them to wash over you, envelop you, and be absorbed deeply into your being.

This is a truly intensive retreat and I want to explain it carefully to be sure that everyone who attends is ready for the depth of practice they will encounter.

First of all there is only room for ten to 15 participants to join me on this seven-day journey of spiritual discovery. We will be working together intimately so you will be sure to receive the depth of support you need to experience a breakthrough.

The setting for the retreat is a beautiful historic inn on the banks of the Minho rIver in Seixas, Portugal. The inn is located directly across from a portion of the Portuguese Caminho Santiago, the famous Christian pilgrimage trail where deep contemplation has been cultivated for centuries.

The structure and format of the retreat has been crafted to afford focus and intensity, as well as the space for inner reflection and contemplation that will accelerate a transition from ordinary consciousness to the miracle of awakened awareness.

Here are some of the qualities of the retreat.

  • The retreat will be held in silence - 24 hours a day - for the entire retreat with the exception of the teaching and Q and A sessions with me.
  • We will engage in practice sessions throughout each day from early morning into the evening.
  • You will be asked not to make contact with people outside of the retreat for either personal or business reasons except in cases of emergency.
  • Everyone will be asked to set aside any cell phones, computers and time-keeping devices for the duration of the retreat.
  • The retreat will not follow a set schedule. Sessions will be marked with the sound of a bell to signal the start and end of each one.

This structure will give you the opportunity to totally surrender to your practice and the insights and experiences that arise from it. You will have the sacred luxury of being able to let go of all reference points so that your consciousness can expand in ways it never has before. You will be fully supported to let go safely and deeply throughout the retreat. There will be at least two sessions with me each day in which you will receive spiritual guidance to optimize your meditation and give you the chance to discuss anything that is arising for you.

During the retreat you will enjoy highly nutritious meals prepared for us three times a day.

The schedule will include time for individual contemplation, journaling and short walks on the beautiful grounds of the retreat center.

I look forward to working with you on retreat.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Pursuing Inner Freedom

This retreat is dedicated to the cultivation of profound spiritual clarity and to the miracle of being utterly absorbed in the inner light of awakened mind. Many years ago, I left conventional life to pursue spiritual awakening. I knew that the way I perceived reality was shaped by conscious and unconscious fears, desires and limiting beliefs, and I wanted to see beyond these obscurations.

For decades I pursued the dream of clarity. Time spent on retreat was an important part of my journey. During those times of focused practice, I could cast aside the concerns of life and devote all of my energy to spiritual awakening and deep meditation.

If we are diligent on retreat, our hearts and minds open and become focused. Day after day our perception is increasingly liberated from the influence of fear and we become more and more absorbed in the mysterious inner light that continuously reveals the true majesty of life and the subtle inner workings of the cosmos.

The more our consciousness becomes clear the more clarity we want. Our growing passion for clarity fuels the intensity of our meditation. The intensity of our practice brings greater clarity of mind which inspires even greater intensity of practice. An upward spiral of accelerating awakening has begun. There is no way of knowing how deep any of us can go on a retreat like this. The structure of this retreat has been designed out of everything I’ve learned about what creates the most conducive atmosphere for awakening. I’m thrilled to have the chance to offer this opportunity to you.

Qualities of the Retreat
  • The retreat will be held in silence – 24 hours a day – for the entire retreat.
  • We will engage in practice sessions throughout each day from early morning into the evening.
  • You will be encouraged not to make contact with people outside of the retreat for either personal or business reasons except in cases of emergence.
  • You will not need to keep track of time as bells will be used to wake you in the morning, to indicate the start and finish of each session during the day, and to signal the end of the day.
  • All you have to do is meditate and be taken care of.

This structure will give you the opportunity to totally surrender to your practice. You will have the sacred luxury of being able to let go of all reference points so that your consciousness can expand in ways it never has before.

Qualities of the Retreat
  • The retreat will be held in silence - 24 hours a day - for the entire retreat with the exception of the teaching and Q and A sessions with Jeff.
  • We will engage in practice sessions throughout each day from early morning into the evening.
  • You will be asked not to make contact with people outside of the retreat for either personal or business reasons except in cases of emergency.
  • Everyone will be asked to set aside any cell phones, computers and time-keeping devices for the duration of the retreat.
  • The retreat will not follow a set schedule. Sessions will be marked with the sound of a bell to signal the start and end of each one.

This is a silent in-person retreat led by Jeff Carreira.

The structure and format of the retreat has been crafted to afford focus and intensity, as well as the space for inner reflection and contemplation that will accelerate a transition from ordinary consciousness to the miracle of awakened awareness.

The retreat begins with registration at 4:00pm on Monday, October 7th, followed by dinner at 6:00pm and the opening session at 7:15pm. The retreat will end at 12:00pm on Sunday, October 13th.

The retreat will not follow a set schedule. Sessions will be marked with the sound of a bell to signal the start and end of each one.

The schedule will include time for individual contemplation, journaling and short walks on the beautiful grounds of the retreat center.


The location for this retreat is a beautiful a 20th-century mansion villa called Villa Idalina in Caminha, Portugal, located just 5 minutes’ walk from the beach.

Each room offers antique furniture and are overlooking the garden and the river Minho. The property has a garden and terrace with outdoor tables.

The Spanish border is just 15 minutes’ drive from the property and Porto International Airport can be reached in 40 minutes by car. Seixas Train Station is just 500m away.

During the retreat you will enjoy highly nutritious omnivore meals three times a day, along with tea, coffee and snacks.

Travel to and from the Retreat

We intend to make your travel to Portugal as enjoyable and stress free as possible. We will be arranging a shuttle to pick you up at Porto International Airport on Monday, October 6th to bring you to the villa. You may want to consider flying into Porto a day early to get a good night’s rest before catching our shuttle the next day. We will also arrange for a shuttle to return you to Porto International Airport after the retreat ends on Sunday, October 12th.

You should be prepared to pay the shuttle service fee of approximately US$35 each way.

What past participants said about their experience...

"We were able to only do three days of this event. But the impact for me was most profound. On our day 4, integration day an awareness of the Truth arose in me and left me totally flummoxed. Just what I have been working for, for so many years. I am truly a different person than the one who started the retreat last Friday. Profound gratitude to Jeff and the team."

~ W. Francis.

"The daily teaching, Q&A's and and meditation sessions were so powerful , they brought such calm and flow to me and in turn to my family. Jeff's teaching enabled me reach greater depth in my meditations as each day passed."

~ T. Bird.

"The retreat was eye opening and life-changing, giving me a new understanding of me as a soul, and deepening my relationship with it. Giving all day to meditation for a few days, rather than an hour a day for a prolonged period, has brought changes in me that are indescribable. I did not want it end!"

~ J. Aebi.

"This retreat was a wonderful and profound experience of sinking into the depth of Being. Experiencing blissful happiness and liberation, just abiding there, without needing anything. Even in the face of challenges from outside, like a noisy neighourhood."

~ J. van den Bogaard.

"The retreat came at the perfect time in my life. It was the calm at the end of an internal and external storm that led to deep insights and deepening Awareness of my True Self. Jeff has an ability to transmit deep truths that find a home in soul."

~ M. Earlenbaugh.

"Jeff’s instructions and felt his passion to lead us into a available view of the world and ourselves. My life is so completely different. I’m looking out with Cosmic Eyes now... Wow So simple and so wonderful. Thank you Jeff"

~ N. Torrence.

Register Here

This is a unique opportunity open to ten to fifteen participants. The retreat prices includes all food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and accommodation during the entire retreat.

Private Suite
(Grand feel: bedroom with queen bed, sitting room and bathroom)
Shared Suite
$2100 / per person
(Grand feel: bedroom with queen bed and twin bed, sitting room and bathroom)
Private Room
(includes queen bed and bathroom)
Shared Room
$1900 / per person
(includes two twin beds and shared bathroom)
This retreat has sold out.
If you would like to go on the waitlist, please email Sophie at support@emergenceeducation.com