The Power of Divination
Illuminating the mysterious depths of spirit
Silvia RodriguesJeff Carreira
with Silvia Rodrigues and Jeff Carreira
Recording Available
Saturday, December 11th, 2021

Recording Available

Zoom Video Conferencing


Throughout history there have always been those who sought to peer beneath the surface of reality to uncover the wisdom that can be found there.

Divination is a term referring to a variety of practices designed to illuminate the mysterious depths of spirit.

In this free seminar we will explore the power of divination and the ability for these tools to connect us with our own intuitive wisdom.

Esoteric wisdom does not exist outside you. it exists within you. When used properly, divination tools open your consciousness and allow you to become aware of things that were always there but existed just beyond reach of your familiar senses.

These tools are particularly useful in helping us navigate through the process of spiritual transformation.

In this seminar you will learn how divination tools, when properly engaged with, can reorient your senses toward new perceptions of reality.

I will be joined in this seminar by my friend and colleague Silvia Satya, a sensitive medium who accesses spiritual wisdom using a variety of tools.

After our initial conversation, Silvia will demonstrate the power of divination by offering oracle readings for participants.

At the conclusion of the seminar we will share information about The Oracle Stone Process that Silvia offers as an aid to spiritual growth and transformation.

I hope you will join us.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education