I’m very excited to offer this transformative opportunity.

This program is about how devoted seekers of awakening can follow the path of their own realizations to ultimate fulfillment.

Over the course of six weeks, we will explore the power and meaning of spiritual experience.

There comes a point on the spiritual path when you must break free from preconceived ideas about yourself and what’s possible and dare to imagine the unimaginable, stepping into the unknown potential of your higher being.

There is no map for that territory. No one knows how your path is meant to unfold, but you can discover it, if you listen without preference or prejudice and courageously follow the path that appears in front of you.

This program is all about the adventure of fulfillment.

In a sense, no one can guide you through this journey, but what I will do is give you the most important insights that my decades of devoted spiritual work have blessed me with. These insights have been organized and articulated to offer a set of tools and perspectives that can guide you beyond what you might ever have imagined possible.

In this practice rich program, we will explore the nature of breakthrough experiences and the path to radical wholeness they reveal, by learning to decode the secrets of your innermost realizations.

Spiritual growth is as natural as any other kind of growth when we follow the path of authentic inner guidance. Each next revelation opens a new door, revealing another higher dimension of reality. The path accelerates as your surrender deepens and you ecstatically freefall through successive stages of realization.

In this program I want to share everything I’ve discovered about what it really means to follow the path of spiritual illumination and enlightenment.

Join me on this experiential exploration of radical transformation.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Program Structure
7 x 3-hour Live Breakthrough Intensives
One each of the seven Saturdays we’ll meet for three hours and take a deep dive into a different form of inner revelation. The practices and discussions we engage in will invite us into the higher awareness of breakthrough experience. We will enter the experience together and explore it from the inside out. Each breakthrough intensive will expand your being and activate new awakening energies within you.
** All live sessions will be recorded for those that cannot join live. **
30 x 60-min Attunement Sessions
Every weekday we will have an hour long attunement session. In these sessions we will tune into the awakening energy that was activated during that week’s breakthrough intensive. You can think of these sessions as meditative journeys including silence and contemplation that allow us to deepen and acclimate into the new potentials that are opening for us.
** All live sessions will be recorded for those that cannot join live. **
In this program
You will explore:

How to Invite Breakthrough

You will discover how to rest in soft, vulnerable and open receptivity, in which you become available to receive mystical revelation.
How to Cultivate Fearless Equanimity
You will build a steadfast and unmoving stance that allows you to travel through the experience of revelation without recoiling or being distracted.
How to Creatively Illuminate the Path
You will participate in the unfolding of realization by exploring the nature of your experience and listening for the wisdom that is being revealed to you.

The Path to Higher Dimensions of Reality

The path to spiritual awakening and higher dimensions of reality exists for all of us, but following it effectively is a skill that must be developed. There are aspects of the path that need to be left in the hands of grace and karma. But there are other aspects that must be skillfully navigated. In this program you will learn how to distinguish between these and master the essential skills of awakening.

The great teacher J. Krishnamurti once said:

“Enlightenment is an accident, but some activities make you accident-prone.”
In this program you will learn how to become, and remain accident-prone as you follow the trail of your own illumination into higher dimensions of being.
Program Schedule
Week One:
Spiritual Awakening
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, March 12th, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week one we explore the mysterious awakening to reality beyond the familiar and the known. Each time we experience awakening we open to new potentials, new possibilities, and new vistas of what is.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, March 14th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, March 15th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, March 16th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, March 17th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, March 18th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Two:
Creative Illumination
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, March 19th, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week two we explore the ancient art of hermeneutics by cultivating the subtlety of mind that allows us to hear the wisdom of our realizations. Developing the ability to interpret our breakthroughs directs the path of unfolding.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, March 21st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, March 22nd @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, March 23rd @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, March 24th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, March 25th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Three:
Inner Freedom
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, March 26th, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week three we learn to courageously let go of all our desires, expectations, and preferences, until we are free to follow the path that opens in front of us. As we give up our familiar reference points, we become free-floating, ready to be carried into revelation.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, March 28th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, March 29th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, March 30th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, March 31st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 1st |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Four:
Constant Consciousness
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week four we open to the source of constant awareness at the core of our being. By discovering the part of us that is always aware and always awake, we come into direct contact with our own infinite being.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 4th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 5th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 6th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 7th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 8th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Five:
Kundalini Awakening
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 9th, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week five we invite the energy of Kundalini to enter us. This powerful force of awakening works on the subtle levels of our being to clear the blocks and constrictions that hold us in a limited and partial state of existence.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 11th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 12th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 13th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 14th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 15th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Six:
Cosmic Awareness
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 16th, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week six we embrace our true nature as a universal being. As we allow our heart and mind to embrace the fullness of who we are, we discover that we are the inside of a cosmos that has no outside. We are one with the totality of all.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 18th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 19th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 20th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 21st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 22nd |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Final Session
Higher Purpose
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 23rd, 2022 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In our concluding breakthrough intensive we explore the higher purpose that our unique path of spiritual unfolding reveals. We see that our realizations and revelations are calling us to live a higher life and our path now becomes following that path.
This program includes
The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough
From Awakening to Cosmic Awareness
Available to order for free after you register. Pay only shipping.
In The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough, meditation and awakening teacher Jeff Carreira takes you on a journey through some of the farthest reaches of mystical revelation. For many years Jeff was a devoted spiritual seeker pursuing rigourous extremes of practice. What he experienced was a succession of extraordinary events that gradually left him free of existential doubt and perpetually open to new and higher dimensions of reality. In these pages you will explore the sacred path created by your own profound breakthroughs. You will learn how to illuminate your way forward guided only by the light of your deepest inner revelation. There comes a time on the path when you can no longer follow any preconceived notions or ideas. At this point you must autonomously step out beyond any doctrine or teaching and follow the light of your own heart’s longing. In this book, you will find a source of wisdom and insight that gives you the confidence and courage to trust the truth inside yourself and uncover the path of your unique spiritual fulfillment.
Special Registration Offer

Registration in the The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough [2022] includes one free year of membership (valued at $240) in the Members Circle. As part of the Members Circle, you will receive weekly materials and a robust online platform that makes it possible for you to stay connected with Artists of Possibility around the world.

Already a Members Circle member?
Use your discount coupon when registering for this program to receive the members special offer of 50% off. (No free year of membership included).

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Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.