Saturday, April 1st - Saturday, May 13th, 2023

Six Weeks

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


I’m very excited to offer this journey into higher dimensional reality and dramatic transformation.

Last year I led a program called The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough where we explored the general practices and attitudes that allow our consciousness to expand. This program grew directly out of that one.

This daring adventure in awakening will be specifically focused on the goal of cosmic consciousness: the direct recognition that we are one with the cosmos. Our sustained focus on this one breakthrough will allow us to move together through a series of stages that creates an opening to an entirely new state of being.

This program starts with the conviction that we are already cosmic beings - our life and our awareness is already emerging from a mysterious universal source. That beingness abides everywhere eternally beyond time and space - and that is who we are.

What keeps us from experiencing the unlimited nature of our Self is a set of nearly impenetrable cultural beliefs that tell us what it means to be human and what is, and is not possible for us.

In this program we will gently and consistently work our way through these limiting assumptions and as each next layer of limitation falls away we will open more fully to the glory of our deepest Self.

We will work with the three key mechanisms of spiritual breakthrough that allow us to enter the miracle of cosmic consciousness: intention, invitation and surrender. These powerful tools will be aimed on precise leverage points in the psyche that unlock our higher potentials.

My spiritual journey began because of early childhood experiences of the cosmic nature of my being. The power of those early memories led me to devote my entire life to rediscovering and abiding in those higher dimensions.

This six week program is a chance for me to share with you the central and driving purpose of my life. I am deeply moved at the thought of entering those higher realms together.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Program Structure
7 x 3-hour Live Breakthrough Intensives
On each of the seven Saturdays of this program we’ll meet for three hours and take a deep dive into a different form of inner revelation. The practices and discussions we engage in will invite us into the higher awareness of breakthrough experience. We will enter the experience together and explore it from the inside out. Each breakthrough intensive will expand your being and activate new awakening energies within you.
** All live sessions will be recorded for those that cannot join live. **
30 x 60-min Attunement Sessions
Every weekday we will have an hour long attunement session. In these sessions we will tune into the awakening energy that was activated during that week’s breakthrough intensive. You can think of these sessions as meditative journeys including silence and contemplation that allow us to deepen and acclimate into the new potentials that are opening for us.
** All live sessions will be recorded for those that cannot join live. **
In this program
You will explore:
How to Direct the Power of Cosmic Intention
As you cultivate a cosmic intention that is free from the assumed limitations of time and space, you will guide yourself beyond the reality of the familiar into the extraordinary.
How to Invite Higher Dimensions into your Perception
You will discover that the higher dimensions of cosmic being do not need to be sought for because they are already here to be experienced as soon as we invite them to appear.
How to Surrender to the Mystery as it Appears
You will cultivate a capacity for surrender by learning to relax and let go of your current sense of self until you are carried off into the unimaginable reality of universal being.
Cosmic consciousness is real. It is who we all already are.
And any one of us can open to it by transcending our limiting beliefs about reality.
The Path to Universal Being

The path to cosmic consciousness and the higher dimensions of universal being can be followed by any of us, but following it effectively is a skill that must be cultivated and developed. There are aspects of the path that need to be left in the hands of grace and karma, but there are other aspects that must be skilfully navigated. In this program you will learn how to distinguish between these and master the essential skills of awakening.

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”

~ Alan Watts
In this program our goal is to step into a cosmic identity and allow the universe to explore itself through us.
Program Schedule
Week One:
Perception Beyond Separation
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 1st, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week one we will begin the journey by releasing the assumptions of separation that bind us to a small and limited sense of self.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 3rd @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 4th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 5th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 6th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 7th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Two:
Words, Reality and Non-Conceptual Awareness
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 8th, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week two we will explore how to be perfectly comfortable resting in a state of consciousness in which nothing can be known.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 10th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 11th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 12th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 13th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 14th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Three:
Embracing Spiritual Transmission
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 15th, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week three we will deepen our sensitivity to the energy of spiritual transmission and learn to follow it into ever-deeper realization.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 17th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 18th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 19th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 20th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 21st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Four:
The Practices of Self-Forgetting and Cosmic Identity
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week four we will explore how to release our familiar sense of self and become available to be inhabited by a new one.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, April 24th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 25th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 26th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 27th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 28th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Five:
Cultivating Higher Dimensional Sensitivity
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, April 29th, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week five we will learn how to perceive higher dimensions of being by becoming higher dimensional beings ourselves.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, May 1st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, May 2nd @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, May 3rd @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, May 4th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, May 5th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Six:
Essential Elements of Spiritual Attunement
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, May 6th, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In week six we begin the work of attuning our life to the reality of universal being so we can live from that awareness consistently.
60min Attunement Sessions
  • Monday, May 8th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, May 9th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, May 10th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, May 11th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, May 12th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Final Session
Living Life as a Cosmic Prayer
Breakthrough Intensive: Saturday, May 13th, 2023 @ 11:00am - 2:00pm US Eastern Time.
In our final session we learn how to transform our lives so that they become a constant invitation to cosmic consciousness.
This program includes
The Path of Cosmic Consciousness
A Practical Guide to Higher Dimensions of Reality
Participants will be able to order a free paperback copy early in 2023. Pay only shipping.

You are a conscious universe that has become manifest in human form.

The Path of Cosmic Consciousness is a practical guide that leads you step by step into one of the most exalted spiritual breakthroughs imaginable - the direct recognition of the universal nature of your being. This is a spiritual guidebook that offers instruction for practices and contemplations that will gradually free your mind from the constraints and limitations of our familiar perception or reality and gradually open you to a vision of the living cosmos. In these pages, you will discover how we have been trained to see ourselves as isolated individuals living in an empty universe. This book will show you that the entire cosmos is alive and conscious and your awareness is not separate from that. By the end of the book you will see that you are not a conscious thing that exists in an unconscious universe - you are a conscious universe that has become manifest in human form.

As you explore this miraculous awakening you will also learn how the idea of cosmic consciousness has been developed over the past hundred and fifty years by inspired realizers who wanted to define a path to enlightenment and spiritual freedom that was uniquely accessible to modern western seekers. Along the way you will discover how poets like Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter, philosophers including Richard Maurice Bucke and William James, as well as mystics such as P. D. Ouspensky and Sri Aurobindo, contributed to creating a powerful new understanding of the Eastern notion of enlightenment that appealed to a Western scientific mindset.

Special Registration Offer

Registration in the The Path of Cosmic Consciousness [2023] includes one free year of membership (valued at $240) in The Mystery School. As a member of The Mystery School, you will receive weekly materials and a robust online platform that makes it possible for you to stay connected with Artists of Possibility around the world.

Already a member?
Use your discount coupon when registering for this program to receive the members special discount of $240 off. (No free year of membership included).

Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.