Sunday, December 4th, 2022

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


During this 90-minute online event, I will introduce the overarching themes explored in my new book The Path of Cosmic Consciousness. You will discover practical means to attain the realization of one of the most exalted spiritual breakthroughs imaginable - the direct recognition of the universal nature of your being. In this workshop-style presentation you will engage with practices and contemplations that have the power to gradually free your mind from the constraints and limitations of your familiar perception or reality and open you to a vision of the living cosmos. You will discover how we have all been trained to see ourselves as isolated individuals living in an empty universe, when in actuality the entire cosmos is alive and conscious and your awareness is not separate from that. By the end of the book you will see that you are not a conscious thing that exists in an unconscious universe - you are a conscious universe that has become manifest in human form.

As we explore this miraculous awakening you will also learn how the idea of cosmic consciousness developed over the past hundred and fifty years by inspired realizers who wanted to define a path to enlightenment and spiritual freedom that was uniquely accessible to modern western seekers. Along the way you will discover how awakened poets like Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter, philosophers including Richard Maurice Bucke and William James, as well as mystics such as P. D. Ouspensky and Sri Aurobindo, contributed to a powerful new understanding of the Eastern notion of enlightenment that appealed to a Western scientific mindset.

I hope you will join me.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
The Path of Cosmic Consciousness