October 19th to November 27th, 2024

Six Weeks

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


A Full Immersion in the Theory and Movement of Somatic Awakening

The perspectives and somatic exercises you will explore during this 6-week program illuminate a powerful path to a fully embodied spiritual awakening.

The expansion of awareness you experience will dramatically increase your ability to manifest the life of your dreams while remaining rooted in a natural and balanced state of ease and power.

You will discover that the magic happens when you increase the fluidity of the spine and return your nervous system to a regenerative and coherent state that allows you to effectively and creatively respond to life and return to equilibrium quickly, ready for whatever happens next.

In this program you will have the opportunity to work with Susan Kullman for 12 x 90-minute practice sessions (held live via Zoom video conferencing and available afterward as video recordings). Each session includes detailed instruction, discussion and practices made up of gentle movements that build your somatic intelligence.

Because you will be doing this work with others, you will be part of a field of intentionality and commitment that increases the power of the work for everyone.

Join this program if you:

  • Want your spiritual growth to enrich your life in the world.
  • Recognize that your body must be included in your development.
  • Long to experience rejuvenated vitality of mind, body and spirit.
  • Feel drawn to a body-centered path to enlightenment.
  • Want well informed, scientifically based guidance for your path.
  • Are committed to the full awakening of your whole being.
  • Would love to move through the world with a sense of ease and fluidity.
  • Long to reestablish your nervous system to become less reactive.
  • Desire to sense the cosmic interconnection through your physical body.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
A Somatic Approach to Awakening
Working with the body from the inside out
At the heart of this program is a somatic awakening. That means a profound inner release, both mentally and physically, that occurs through gentle and focused somatic body work. During this program you will receive extensive support from Susan Kullman as she guides you through a series of explorations offering the wisdom she’s gained through over two decades of study and practice. Throughout the program you will see how this work can lead to liberating breakthroughs in your body, mind and spirit. Your emotional experience and your perception of yourself and the world will shift as your body releases the habitual tensions it has accumulated throughout your lifetime.
What You Will Explore
Redefining Wellness and Changing Your Relationship with Trauma

In this program you will explore an orientation to trauma that starts with the body rather than the mind. We are generally taught that the experience of trauma is located in the protective patterns of emotion and thought, but all of these patterns are embedded in our bodies and must be released there first. In this program you will engage with physical practices that allow you to dissolve the tension patterns in your body to unleash your mind.

Traumatic experiences are overwhelming because our nervous systems are not equipped to handle them. When we endure experiences like these, and all of us have, our bodies become locked in ways that adhere us to associated mental and emotional patterns. If we want to liberate our thoughts and feelings, we must become pliable enough to move fluidly through life’s inevitable challenges so we can quickly return to a harmonious sense of balance.

In this program you will learn how to work with your body in very precise ways that relax the tension patterns that have been stored as rigidity. As your body softens and relaxes a profound inner unwinding begins that affects deep layers of your unconscious mind. As old mental patterns dissolve a profound awakening is initiated that will transform your life and bring you closer to realizing your true potential.

Accelerating Your Transformation by Awakening the Core of Your Humanness

This work will unleash the spiritual power inherent in your physical form. Our bodies are conscious. The states of consciousness and patterns of thought and feeling that we often associate with our minds actually live in our biology. Maintaining fluidity and flexibility in your body allows consciousness to flow smoothly through your mind. Establishing a healthy flow of communication between body and mind allows us to live uninhibitedly, facing challenges with ease and integrating new experiences quickly while continuously remaining open and receptive. This is how our bodies fulfill their true function as a vehicle for continuous growth and awakening.

In this program you will explore a massive paradigm shift that will bring you into a direct physical realization of the interconnectedness of all of life. You will discover that you have access to universal forces of creation and healing through your body.

We tend to think of spiritual awakening and inner transformation as a cognitive or emotional shift, but in this program you will see that the body always plays a primary role in any transformative process. The body will lead the way to tremendous shifts in perception. You will learn to ground yourself on the Earth by aligning with the pull of gravity that holds you there. Discovering the subtle ways that we can come into great alignment with the most basic force of our planet will root you in the reality of the present moment more powerfully than you could ever do through concentration alone. As your body comes into harmonious union with the Earth, your muscles and joints soften and a new experience of being human is unleashed in your awareness.

Moving From Degeneration to Regeneration

We are taught to think of the aging process in terms of an inevitable drying and stiffening of the tissues of the body. We assume that degeneration and decline is inevitable and unavoidable, but in this program you will discover the profound capacity that we have as human beings to regenerate ourselves mentally and physically.

What you will explore in this program is how gentle movement can become medicine for the body, mind and spirit. As your body returns to its naturally buoyant state of fluidity its powers of regeneration and growth are reignited. The movements you practice will awaken the healing and restorative power of playful exploration. The profound regeneration you experience in your body will be mirrored in renewed powers of mental innovation and creativity.

Anxiety and stress are all too common experiences today. Our nervous systems are continuously overtaxed by the demands of modern life. Chronic stress places tremendous demands on our minds and bodies that never allow us to relax and rejuvenate. In this work you will learn methods of regulating your nervous system in ways that lead to a naturally balanced and harmonious life that can continue throughout our lives.

In this program you will:
  • Experience the transformative potential of somatic awakening.
  • Learn to embrace yourself as a process of constant becoming.
  • Awaken to the universal intelligence that lives in your being.
  • Align your own being with the power of the Earth.
  • Connect to universal cosmic consciousness through your body.
  • Return to a natural state of harmonious union with life.
  • Experience Five Paradigm Shifts
    1. Seeing the body as an object - to - seeing the body as a process.
    2. Living in fragmented parts -to- living in a unity of mind, body and spirit.
    3. Living separate and isolated from nature - to - living inside of natural processes.
    4. Thinking in terms of parts and pieces - to - thinking in terms of integrated wholes.
    5. Return to a natural state of harmonious union with life.
    6. Always needing to be in control - to - only needing to be aware and sensitive.
Schedule and Module Descriptions

Opening Workshop (Co-taught with Jeff Carreira)
Surrendering into Universal Awareness through Body and the Mind
Saturday, October 19th, 2024 @ 12:00pm to 4:00pm (US Eastern Time)

Your transformative potential depends on your ability to surrender to powers greater than your own. You can develop through the power of will, but transformation requires something more. When we transform we enter a process of change that can take us far beyond what we could reach on our own. In this workshop Jeff Carreira and Susan Kullman will share how they support people to attain the depth of surrender necessary for transformation.

Jeff has spent over thirty years exploring the transformative potentials that can be released by resting in the depths of our consciousness. During about the same time period, Susan explored how to work with our bodies using precise subtle movements that unleash its transformative power. In the end, you will discover how both of these modalities give you access to the universal awareness that is the true source of transformation. And, more importantly, how both become even more potent when practiced together. This event is designed to give you all of the insight and inspiration you need to make the most of the 12 sessions ahead.

Module One
Conscious Communication
Monday, October 21st & Wednesday, October 23rd
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
If we want to shift the way we relate to ourselves and how we engage in the universe we must begin by shifting the way we speak about ourselves and relate to our bodies. In this module you will explore practices that shift the way you communicate with yourself, with your body, and with others. Elevating the conversations that frame our lives is a key element of the transformative process.
Module Two
Re-establishing Your Connection to Earth
Monday, October 28th & Wednesday, October 30th
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
We do not just live on the Earth, we are a part of it, and therefore it has the power to bring our human living system back into optimal coherence and harmonious union with nature. As we inevitably accumulate patterns of tension during our lives we lose our sense of connection and drift into a sense of isolation and aloneness. In this module you will explore practices that reconnect you with the power of the Earth and reestablish coherence and harmony.
Module Three
Re-establishing the Animal Body
Monday, November 4th & Wednesday, November 6th
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
This module is focused on the profound understanding that our animal bodies are encoded with a storehouse of primal gestures designed to protect us from physical and emotional harm. These spontaneous gestures keep us fluid and responsive through turmoil and strife. Unfortunately, we tend to lose our full range of primal gestures, leading to chronic pain in the body and mind.
Module Four
Movement As Medicine
Monday, November 11th & Wednesday, November 13th
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
We return to mental and physical coherence through the skillful use of gentle and conscious movement. Throughout our lives our minds and bodies become incoherent and fragmented because we are pulled in many directions at once. By learning to work with our bodies from the inside out (somatically), we remind the soma to move in the most coherent, aligned and powerful ways.
Module Five
Integration and Wholeness
Monday, November 18th & Wednesday, November 20th
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
In this module we will explore what it means to move as a whole living system that is always in process. We have been deeply conditioned to experience ourselves as fragmented parts and this is the source of so much of our discomfort and lack of health. As we discover in our own experience the wholeness of our being, our perception of ourselves shifts and we see that we are intimately integrated with the entire cosmos.
Module Six
Innovation, Creativity and Freeing Desire
Monday, November 25th & Wednesday, November 27th
12:00pm to 1:30pm (US Eastern Time)
The two practice sessions of our final module will be devoted to consolidating all of the work we have done by exploring the possibilities that open up to us when we live in fluidity, coherence and harmony. We will explore the heightened potential for creativity and innovation that come with this new way of being, and we will learn to trust our deepest desires and live in an ongoing state of joy and fulfillment.
Suggested Reading
Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence
Some of the content of this program will be drawn from the book Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence by Liz Koch. The book explores the psoas as a vital, intelligent and expressive tissue that is both elemental and universal. Those doing this work with Susan will benefit from reading the book to reinforce their learning and understanding.
A Summary of
What’s Included:
A 4-Hour Opening Workshop Co-Taught with Jeff Carreira
  • In this workshop Jeff Carreira and Susan Kullman will share how they support people to attain the depth of surrender necessary for transformation.
Twelve 90-minute Practice Sessions
  • Every week has two practice sessions. Each practice session is conducted via Zoom Video Conference on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:00pm - 1:30pm US Eastern Time. These are not traditional yoga classes. No prior experience of movement is necessary. Movements are gentle enough for all fitness levels. Practice will take place on the floor.
An Online Course Portal
  • A dedicated online course portal that will house all course materials and is easy to navigate and use.
A Short Video about the Resources for this Program
Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.