Saturday, August 17th, 2024

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


One of the most powerful ways to understand spiritual growth is to think of it as opening more and more fully to the source of life and in this hour long event Susan Kullman and I will explore exactly what it means to open to the flow of existence and how to achieve it.

It isn’t just the food we eat that fuels our life. Certainly food, water and sunlight are essential to our physical health and wellbeing, but they are not the source of life. We are constantly fed and nourished by spiritual energies that come to us from beyond this world.

The life force energy has been recognized by many spiritual traditions and has many names. The French philosopher Henri Bergson called it the élan vital. It is known as huna in the shamanic traditions of Hawaii, and prana in Hinduism. And there are different words like, the holy spirit and kundalini, for the awakening power of this force.

Regardless of the name we use, there is a force that animates us and brings us the capacity to live, to love, to know. It is the ultimate source of life and spiritual work is aimed at opening more to that flow.

Life can be difficult and inevitably we learn to close down and limit the flow of life energy through us. We become less vibrant, less caring, less wise. We start on a spiritual journey because we know we are capable of much more.

We are! We are all directly connected to the same source of love, wisdom, and vitality. All we need to do is open ourselves to allow it to flow.

The first thing that Susan and I will want to explain is that we must open to the flow of existence at all levels of our being - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We may begin our spiritual work in just one of these domains, but in order to achieve our full potential we will need to open in all of them.

In this brief call you will explore what forms of spiritual work are best suited to each of the four domains. You will also be guided in specific practices so you can feel how the process of opening to source occurs in different ways.

In this program you will discover what it means to open…

  • Physically - by releasing the deep tensions and creating fluidity in your body.
  • Mentally - by letting go of limiting beliefs that hide your true potential.
  • Emotionally - by expanding your capacity to experience joy and pleasure.
  • Spiritually - by embracing the infinite nature of reality of your own being.

I am very excited to be offering this online event with Susan Kullman. Susan is a magnificent and highly accomplished teacher. I have been working and teaching with her for a few years and have found that the perspectives we each hold blend powerfully into a more comprehensive view of transformation.

I hope you will join us on Saturday, August 17th, 2024 at Recording Available discover how to open to the source of life at all levels of being.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Register Here

Upcoming Program
Discover the path to an embodied spiritual awakening
with Susan Kullman
October 19th to November 27th, 2024
Six Weeks
Online via Zoom Video Conferencing
The perspectives and somatic exercises you will explore during this 6-week program illuminate a powerful path to a fully embodied spiritual awakening.
Learn More
Opening to the Source of Life