“If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket you can take away a bucketful.”
~ Ramana Maharshi
- You can train yourself to see the bounty and goodness that is always already here.
- You can learn to stop worrying about winning, by recognizing that you’ve already won.
- When you feel full and plentiful, you become naturally open, available and generous.
- The source of happiness and the purpose of life is to give everything you have to give.
- You can shift from being controlled by fear, to be being inspired by possibility.
- You can live your passion by putting what you love at the center of your life.
- Trying to live in abundance is actually just another form of living in lack.
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”
~ Anais Nin
This workbook contains 30-days of practices, contemplations and journaling exercises that reveal life’s true abundance. Spiritual abundance, unlike material abundance, is not gained through accumulation, it is a shift in perspective which brings you into contact with the true bounty of life. To live in abundance all you have to do is break the habit of seeing yourself as lacking. The work you will do in this book isn’t designed to bring you into abundance because thinking in terms of doing something now in order to attain something later is the essence of lack. There is nothing you can do now to become abundant that won’t reinforce the experience of lack. In this book you will learn to find abundance in the only place it exists, in your life as it is right now. Abundance is a different relationship to life itself that can happen at any time.
By completing this workbook you will:
- See how spiritual awakening naturally leads to spiritual abundance.
- Dare to live your passion fully in your life as it is.
- Relax into a state of mind that can find contentment under all circumstances.
- Discover how to live in an ongoing experience of immediate fulfillment.
- Open to the true abundance that your life is offering you right now.
- Every day from Wednesday, July 17th to Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 there will be a live hour long call on Zoom with me starting at 12:00pm - 1:00pm US Eastern time. These sessions will incorporate teachings, meditation and Q and A.
- Each hour long call will be recorded and made available a few hours later in the online portal.
- You will receive guidelines for creating sacred space and virtual participation.
- The protected online portal will contain the materials you will use in the program and serve as a platform for communicating with Jeff.
- During this program we will draw from the wisdom and insight from two of my books. All participants will receive complementary ebook copies of both. The two books are: Living in Spiritual Abundance: A Spiritual Breakthrough Workbook, and The Gift of Spiritual Abundance: Five Principles for Being Happy and Fulfilled Right Now.

"After 28 years of meditating, this program was an amazing discovery of greater awareness, receptivity and availability to experience the divine."
~ D. Johnson
"My meditation experience was deeper than ever during this program. Some days I felt like I got swept up in the flow, like I was absorbed in life. No self-conscious concerns. I felt that what was happening was the most wonderful experience. I was in a place that I just wanted to stay in. I felt complete gratitude because there seemed to be a collective experience happening. I was at the still point; no push, no shove, just enough."
~ R. Conte
"During the program I found that I was changing without trying to change...and I’m loving the difference!"
~ R. Smith
"There has been a dramatic shift in my consciousness. I am more relaxed, surrendered and trusting more deeply in the guidance of the Divine. Thank you Jeff for the gift that you are. Your presence and the transmission that has come through you has changed my life."
~ R. Hovakimian
"The program was truly amazing. It was like a group experience of growth and awakening. A collective adventure into the not knowing, surrendering to the mystery and being open to all possibilities. Jeff is a teacher like no other, leading us on this path with wisdom, love and human-ness. It was a beautiful, life-changing experience for which I will be endlessly grateful."
~ N. Morenos
"I appreciated the consistency of a daily practice. It felt as if each message we focused on and practiced fit my life perfectly."
~ A. Brusca
"The program continues to amaze and delight. I continue to discover fresh new insights, opportunities and possibilities."
~ W. Takahashi
"The daily tuning made the rest of the day the focus of surrender, of turning away from struggle to let go into the flow of life was a perfect way to allow Consciousness to permeate my life."
~ M. Earlenbaugh