Saturday, July 15th - Sunday, August 13th, 2023

11:30am - 12:30pm US Eastern time

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


I’m very happy to invite you to participate in the Meditation and Inner Freedom 30-Day Attunement Intensive. During this intensive we will meet everyday for one hour and attune our consciousness to the vast inner freedom that always exists in the core of our being.

In my work, this hour-a-day format has proven to be a powerful vehicle for catalyzing profound shifts in awareness while continuing to be engaged with our lives. By focusing your attention each day on the source of freedom within you, your awareness will open and expand tremendously. (NOTE: You can participate live, or listen to recordings of the hour-long sessions at your convenience.)

During this intensive you will experience and establish yourself in liberated awareness and see for yourself how it provides the essential foundation for higher spiritual transformation.

In the depths of our being, before anything happens to disturb us, we are peaceful and free. That is our deepest Source and our True Self. The ultimate triumph of meditation is the discovery of the ever-abiding inner freedom that always exists within you.

We will begin this intensive by exploring the nature of inner freedom and liberating ourselves from the false assumptions that keep us perpetually entangled in the belief that something is wrong. As you learn how to liberate your attention from the sense that there is anything wrong, your awareness will naturally come to rest in an easy and free experience of being.

That peaceful state of being will be the beginning of a deeper journey to the explosive possibility of complete rest. Inner freedom is found through a radical acceptance of the way things are, and when you truly surrender to the way things are, you cease making any effort at all and you gradually, or suddenly, fall into perfect rest.

This state of rest brings you into direct contact with the present moment. You are resting exactly here with everything that is. Your attention is consumed by the miracle of this very moment and in this moment there is no room for anything except what is.

At this depth all movement, even the mental movement of thought and feeling, stops. You cannot know anything here, and even your sense of self begins to disappear. You fall into a state of self-forgetting and enter what in some traditions is known as the cloud of unknowing. The sweet surrender you discover is the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

Prior to the discovery of inherent freedom our lives are often shaped by fear and insecurity, but the compete stillness of freedom unleashes a new energetic dynamic within you. Now you see that beyond the familiar world that has preoccupied you for so long, there is a world of subtle spiritual energies that begins to call you.

You find yourself on the edge of an adventure beyond imagination. You feel your own potential to live an awakened life come alive and your heart and mind expand as you are moved toward something that feels sacred and divine.

If you are ready to live a life bursting with spiritual joy, boundless creativity, and unshakeable inner peace, please join me for thirty days this summer and discover how you can do that.

This is an opportunity to rest in an extraordinary depth of enlightened heart and mind.

The journey we take together begins with letting go of the limited sense of self and entering the mystery of not-knowing. From there you will rest in the miracle of pure awareness until the true magnificence and beauty of life reveals itself.

During this program we will work with each of these key triggers of inner freedom.

  • Intention
  • Presence
  • Faith
  • Discernment
  • Contentment
  • Awareness

During each of the thirty days I will be offering hour-long Zoom video calls at 11:30am - 12:30pm US Eastern time.

You can join those calls with me live or listen to the recordings later the same day. (Past participants have found both options to be equally powerful.)

In each of the calls I will offer teachings and guidance to support your practice and inquiry. We will sit in silence or guided meditation together, and there will be some time for you to ask clarifying questions or share some of your own experience.

You will be supported to focus your attention on the most profound aspects of meditation.

You will continually be encouraged to let go of all of your habitual ways of perceiving, so you remain open to experience the enlightened vision you truly want. I hope you will join me for this journey into enlightened awareness.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
The Work We Will Focus On
Inner freedom when our desire to live in inner peace and tranquility is more important to us than anything else. In this intensive you will discover that as soon as you have this depth of intention, inner freedom is yours automatically, and then you will see how everything else in life, all of your activities and relationships, are optimized and enhanced by the freedom you have found.
The secret of inner freedom is knowing that freedom only exists in the immediate present moment of now. You never find inner freedom if you are relating to it over time. If you are concerned about tomorrow’s freedom you cannot be free today. You only need to be free now, in this moment. You only ever need to be free in the present, because the present is all there is.
The experience of inner freedom can only be sustained if we transcend the influence of doubt, which means any uncertainty we have about our ability to follow through on our intention. Your mind will respond to doubt by wanting to prove something, but this is a trap. In this intensive you will learn that you cannot transcend doubt with certainty. You can only overcome it with faith.
We cannot be more free on the inside than we are on the outside. Freedom must be supported by the circumstances of our lives. During this intensive you will identify places in your life where you experience tension and fear and disengage with them as best you can. You may never be able to avoid all sources of stress, but there is no reason to live with more than you need to.
In this intensive you will discover how to maintain contentment as your mind cycles through boredom, happiness, fear, frustration, inspiration, and any other temporary state. As you learn how to rest in contentment you will discover the inherent source of peace and tranquility inside yourself and you will begin to wonder why you were ever bothered by life in the first place.
By the end of this intensive your inner focus will have shifted onto the peace that is always inside. You will discover that at your source you are always calm. We are the awareness that is aware and that awareness is never disturbed or disrupted by anything. When we find that place in ourselves and identify with that as ourself, inner freedom and tranquility will always be ours.

“Life can only be understood backwards;
but it must be lived forwards.”

~ Søren Kierkegaard

Guiding Resources For Our Journey
During this year’s program we will draw from the wisdom and insight from two of my books. All participants will receive complementary .pdf copies. The two books are: Finding Inner Freedom: A Spiritual Breakthrough Workbook, and Nurturing Spiritual Transformation: A simple book about radical change. The insights contained in these books will take us on a journey to inner freedom all the way to unconditional stillness and finally to the very edge of a miraculous transformation.
Finding Inner Freedom
A Spiritual Breakthrough Workbook

This workbook guides you through spiritual practices, contemplations, and exercises that allow you to release the grip of fear and anxiety and discover a profound source of inner peace. So many of us today are troubled by turbulent emotions and tormenting thoughts. We long for relief, but we mistakenly assume that the only way to find relief is to somehow rid ourselves of the troubling aspects of our minds. 

The work offered in this book will show you that inner freedom is not found by emptying yourself of upsetting thoughts and feelings, because there will always be more of those no matter how many you release. What you will discover in this book is that lasting inner peace can only be found by changing how you relate to your mind. 

This workbook contains 30-days of instructions for practice, organised into six modules. As the days unfold you will gain deep insight into how you unknowingly give your mind power over you and most importantly, how to reclaim your inner power. 

Each module is be based on a core quality that must be developed so that you can find and stabilize your own inner freedom. These core qualities are intention, presence, faith, discernment, commitment, and awareness. 

Following the guidance in this workbook has the power to shift your inner experience and change your entire relationship to life.

Nurturing Spiritual Transformation
A simple book about radical change

What is the process that leads to real and lasting change? This is the question answered in this book. Within its pages you will find a powerful framework for understanding spiritual transformation that will accelerate your progress of whatever spiritual path you follow. It reflects the author’s most valuable insights and hard-won realizations, as well as instruction in a form of meditation that has been specifically designed to support the type of deep change that so many of us desire. If you feel ready to let go of the past and embrace a new future, this book is for you.

In this book you will learn about three essential laws of transformation:

  • The law of rest explains how to find the essential ground of perfect relaxation that any transformative process requires.
  • The law of breakthrough shows you how to rise to inner heights that will expand your capacity to express wisdom and love.
  • The law of return reveals how our consciousness can be gradually elevated through successive breakthroughs.

As you read this concise and simple manual of transformation you will see how these three principles combine to form an inner science that expand your heart and mind.

The daily themes of the program will be drawn from
The Miracle of Meditation Oracle

In addition, on this year's retreat we will be working with the wisdom held in The Miracle of Meditation Oracle. This tool for divination authored by Jeff Carreira contains short transformative statements that have the power to shift our awareness. We will be using this deck throughout the retreat as a tool of divination that will take all of us in directions that none of us could predict.

The Miracle of Meditation Oracle is a tool for divination that allows us to tap into and illuminate the mystery of spirit. This deck is a guide to enlightened consciousness. The short and profound truths that each card contains have the power to shift our minds into a direct awareness of our luminous source.

When used sincerely with sensitivity and care in any circumstance, these cards will continually return our attention to that within us that is always already free, whole and fulfilled.


“Eventually all that one has learnt will have to be forgotten.”

~ Ramana Maharshi

A Summary of
What’s Included:
30 Live Video Conference Teachings with Jeff Carreira
  • Every day from Saturday, July 15th - Sunday, August 13th, 2023 there will be a live hour long call on Zoom with me starting at 11:30am US Eastern Time. These sessions will incorporate teachings, meditation and Q and A.
30 Audio Recordings of the Daily Teachings
  • Each hour long call will be recorded and made available a few hours later in the online portal.
Detailed Instructions for Setting Up a Sacred Space for Practice
  • As the time for the retreat draws near you will receive 'Guidelines for Creating Sacred Space and Virtual Participation'
Suggestions for Different Schedules
  • A range of schedules will be provided to accomodate different time requirements and availabilities
Instructions for Optimizing your Program Experience
  • You will receive instructions for a daily journaling practice and suggestions for adding additional periods of meditation to your schedule.
An Online Course Portal
  • The protected online portal will contain the materials you will use in the program and serve as a platform for communicating with Jeff.
Optional Weekly Discussion Groups
  • You have the opportunity to join weekly discussion groups outside of the attunement sessions to deepen your understanding and explore your insights with other participants.
What past participants said about their experience...

"After 28 years of meditating, this program was an amazing discovery of greater awareness, receptivity and availability to experience the divine."

~ D. Johnson

"My meditation experience was deeper than ever during this program. Some days I felt like I got swept up in the flow, like I was absorbed in life. No self-conscious concerns. I felt that what was happening was the most wonderful experience. I was in a place that I just wanted to stay in. I felt complete gratitude because there seemed to be a collective experience happening. I was at the still point; no push, no shove, just enough."

~ R. Conte

"During the program I found that I was changing without trying to change...and I’m loving the difference!"

~ R. Smith

"There has been a dramatic shift in my consciousness. I am more relaxed, surrendered and trusting more deeply in the guidance of the Divine. Thank you Jeff for the gift that you are. Your presence and the transmission that has come through you has changed my life."

~ R. Hovakimian

"The program was truly amazing. It was like a group experience of growth and awakening. A collective adventure into the not knowing, surrendering to the mystery and being open to all possibilities. Jeff is a teacher like no other, leading us on this path with wisdom, love and human-ness. It was a beautiful, life-changing experience for which I will be endlessly grateful."

~ N. Morenos

"I appreciated the consistency of a daily practice. It felt as if each message we focused on and practiced fit my life perfectly."

~ A. Brusca

"The program continues to amaze and delight. I continue to discover fresh new insights, opportunities and possibilities."

~ W. Takahashi

"The daily tuning made the rest of the day the focus of surrender, of turning away from struggle to let go into the flow of life was a perfect way to allow Consciousness to permeate my life."

~ M. Earlenbaugh

Early Registration Bonus
As a special bonus offer you can order The Miracle of Meditation Oracle at a 50% discount AND receive a free paperback copy of The Miracle of Meditation 30-Day Practice Journal. To receive these bonuses you must register for the program AND order one or both items by midnight Sunday, June 12th.
You will just need to pay postage for both the deck and journal.
Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.