Learn how meditation can become an antidote for anxiety. Liberate yourself from fear, worry and self-concern. Discover a lasting source of Inner Peace.
Access a free resource package including audio seminar and guided meditations that will help you find calm through the turbulence of life.
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Anxiety is a modern epidemic and so many of us live with a foreboding sense that something is wrong. I suffered from anxiety from childhood until I was nearly thirty years old. I was afraid and insecure, had a difficult time speaking in groups, developed a host of nervous habits, and had eczema as a result of all the tension.

Meditation led me to a series of insights about the source of true contentment that fundamentally changed my attitude toward life. What I discovered is that a great deal of our anxiety is contained in mental habits that can be broken and replaced.

Meditation is not medication. It won’t help if you only do it when you feel anxious, but if you practice with consistency you will develop habits of calm and at peace that will grow stronger than your habits of being nervous and afraid.

In the Life Without Fear resource package you will learn a form of meditation called The Practice of No Problem. Practicing this simple technique will help you develop a powerful habit of being at ease and more importantly it will allow you to identify the true source of your anxiety so you can transcend it and liberate yourself from fear, worry and self-concern.

These resources are offered free of charge, I hope you will try them, and if you do please contact me to let me know how they worked.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Learn how meditation can become an antidote for anxiety. Liberate yourself from fear, worry and self-concern. Discover a lasting source of Inner Peace.
Download a free resource package including audio seminar and guided meditations that will help you find calm through the turbulence of life.
Download Now
In these resources you will receive:
A 90-minute workshop with Jeff Carreira.
  • In this workshop you will see that your anxiety is seldom caused by whatever you think you are afraid of. It is caused by habitual patterns of thought and feeling that attach themselves to whatever you happen to be afraid of. This negative emotional patterning amplifies your fears leading to anxiety and even panic. You will learn how the practice of meditation can create space between you and your negative emotional patterns so that you can see exactly how they work. Once you see them for what they are, they cease to have the power over you that they once had.
The 20-minute Meditation: 'Relax and Let Go'
  • In this meditation you will be guided through the process of relaxation and into the Practice of No Problem. You will discover the power of this practice as you work with it. This meditation is designed to be done daily as time allows so that you can build a baseline of calm and peace in your life.
The 20-minute Meditation: 'Relax and Let Go When You're Anxious'
  • Of course there are times when our anxieties overwhelm us and build until they take over our emotions and even our physical body. This meditation is designed to be done when you are having a panic attack. It will guide you through the process of grounding your emotions and returning to clarity.
Words of Praise
“I felt like everything I'd been working on up to now had left me, in a time of crisis, completely ready to absorb this. Now when I meditate, I dwell for a short time in a place where memories and thought roam across my brain and then the switch flips and I go somewhere else entirely...”
“Your 'practice of no problem' proposal is paradoxically not an easy door for me, but trying to follow you there helps me go deeper in this mystery that Life is.”
“I have become more relaxed with what ever my situation is, I feel more calm and at ease. Also I am seeing when I show up fully for life, bad conditions often turn into joy and happiness. I have experienced this situation several time.”
“I feel more comfortable not making a problem of the flow of thoughts continually in my mind. I like the lesson that it’s ok to think that life is okay even when events are negative.”