In The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough, meditation and awakening teacher Jeff Carreira takes you on a journey through some of the farthest reaches of mystical revelation. For many years Jeff was a devoted spiritual seeker pursuing rigourous extremes of practice. What he experienced was a succession of extraordinary events that gradually left him free of existential doubt and perpetually open to new and higher dimensions of reality. In these pages you will explore the sacred path created by your own profound breakthroughs. You will learn how to illuminate your way forward guided only by the light of your deepest inner revelation. There comes a time on the path when you can no longer follow any preconceived notions or ideas. At this point you must autonomously step out beyond any doctrine or teaching and follow the light of your own heart’s longing. In this book, you will find a source of wisdom and insight that gives you the confidence and courage to trust the truth inside yourself and uncover the path of your unique spiritual fulfillment.
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