The Reflections Series
Exploring a New Way of Thinking
The ideas and luminaries in the Reflections Series
with Jeff Carreira
Recording Available
Sunday, April 24th, 2022
Recording Available
Zoom Video Conferencing
Part of my life’s dream has been to outline the historical development of ideas that I believe outline a new paradigm.
A year ago I started a series of short books that offer concise explorations of themes that are essential to new paradigm thinking and critically important to modern spiritual seekers. In this special online event I will share the ideas and luminaries I have explored so far in this series.
Join me and learn about:
- Ramana Maharshi’s understanding of self-realization.
- William James’ amazing exploration of psychic phenomenon.
- What quantum physics tells us about a co-created reality.
- How inner peace can be attained and maintained in a busy world.
- The creative power of consciousness in flow states.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson’s evolutionary spiritual vision.
- Why scientists and spiritualists have been at odds for centuries.
Please join me on Sunday, April 24th, 2022 for an exciting exploration of a new way of thinking.
Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Exploring a New Way of Thinking