Tuesday, August 17th, 2021

Recording Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


In this hour-long event, Susan Kullman will join me in an exploration of a path to spiritual enlightenment that passes through the body and into an awakened life.

Spiritual enlightenment is the liberation of the life force energy within us. There is an energy that animates all living things and is the source of all compassion and intelligence.

The goal of enlightenment is to liberate that energy to flow freely through us so that our lives are powered and guided by a profound source of vitality, wisdom and love.

Inevitably the challenges of life cause the life force energy within us to become constricted. We enter into spiritual work in order to realise our full potential by unblocking the freeflow of our life energy.

There are two ways that our life force energy becomes blocked. One is through false ideas that we hold about who we are and how reality works. The other is because of the energetic blocks held in the physical tensions of our bodies. With this in mind we can say that there are two paths to enlightenment - one through the mind, and another through the body.

My teaching work has generally emphasized the path through the mind. The practices of meditation and deep inquiry clear the false ideas and identifications that keep us from realizing our full potential. My colleague and friend, Susan Kullman brings an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience of the path of enlightenment through the body. She uses subtle body movements and postures to relax the physical tensions that hold emotional blocks. As these tensions resolve, we find that the wisdom and love of a higher source flows freely into our lives.

Join Susan Kullman and me for this 60-minute seminar focused on the path to enlightenment through the body to spiritual fulfillment.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Expanding Consciousness from the Inside Out