Next Dates: TBD

Seven Weeks

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


I am truly thrilled to be offering the Embracing the Gift of Spiritual Abundance program.

In this program, you will learn to adopt a new operating system and transform your life.

As a teacher of meditation and spiritual awakening, my work is often focused on inner transformation, and after experiencing a deep shift in consciousness the one question people asked me more than any other is:

“How do I live this awakening in my daily life?”

This program is my answer to that question.

In this program, you will explore how to shift into a new way of living and transform your life, and I will share everything that I’ve learned about how to live in spiritual abundance.

My experience is that life can unfold miraculously, becoming easier and more fulfilling all the time.

That doesn’t mean I don’t work hard. It doesn’t mean I don’t face adversity. It doesn’t mean that I never experience fear, doubt or self-concern.

What it does mean is that I never forget, even in the most challenging times, that life is good and that as long as I continue to travel the path that my heart dictates greater wholeness will always be the result.

I want to share that miraculous way of living with you.

This program has been designed to be robust enough to catalyze a radical shift in how you live.

Over the course of seven weeks, you will participate in two daylong retreats and receive specific guidance to follow during each weekday, Monday through Friday, including twenty days of hour-long sessions with me.

The foundational shift that you will experience is from a life lived through an assumption of scarcity to one lived in the knowledge of abundance.

You will enact this shift through all levels of your being, from the deepest feelings of your inner life, to the daily activities that make up your outer existence.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
"If you approach the ocean with a cup, you can only take away a cupful; if you approach it with a bucket you can take away a bucketful."
~ Ramana Maharshi
In this program
You will explore:
Recovering Basic Trust
Our culture has trained us to live in fear. At the very core of our experience, we have become convinced that we must defend ourselves against anything that might go wrong. This deep cultural habit means that most of us live through a fundamental habit of constriction. We feel bound up in concerns, we are vigilantly on the lookout for potential problems, and as a result we never realize our true inner potential. The higher potentials of our life begin to reveal themselves as we transcend our existential fears and doubts, and open up vulnerably to the true bounty that always exists all around us. As you experience the miraculous nature of life, your inner being will open wide and your outer life will become a reflection of your highest potentials.
The Art of Non-Dual Change
The transformative principles that you will work with in this program will never violate the ultimate non-dual truth that you are always already complete, whole and free. You will discover that transformation is not an incremental journey that leads to somewhere else. Real transformation can only start when we realize that, at the deepest level of our being, we already are the person that we think we want to be. The transformative process, to the extent that there is one, has only to do with holding fast to the deepest truth of who we are and never allowing ourselves to believe that we are less than that. By never forgetting who you really are, you will be able to create a life that is a powerful and unambiguous expression of your True Self.
From Inner Revelation to Lived Experience

In this program, you will build a new life on the foundation of your own experience of spiritual awakening, and if you don’t feel that you’ve experienced that miraculous shift yet, you certainly will by the end of these seven weeks. But this program only starts with inner awakening, our ultimate goal will be to live an awakened life. It is important to realize that the inner revelation of awakened consciousness always happens instantaneously, but recreating your life in light of that revelation takes time.

In this program, you will have the time to integrate the inner and outer shifts that will transform your life. You will not only learn about powerful principles of transformation, you will receive guidance that allows you to personalize those principles and apply them to your own life circumstances.

Program Schedule
Kick-Off Event
Live One Day Retreat with Jeff Carreira
Saturday, March 13th, 2021 | 11:00am - 6:00pm US Eastern Time.
Week One:
Understanding Transformation
Monday, March 15th - Friday, March 19th, 2021
  • Monday, March 15th - Feeling Differently: Shifting Your Life-Orientation
  • Tuesday, March 16th - Thinking Differently: Changing the Way You Make Sense of the World
  • Wednesday, March 17th - Perceiving Differently: Changing the Way You See the World
  • Thursday, March 18th - Speaking Differently: Changing the Way You Communicate with Yourself and Others
  • Friday, March 19th - Living Differently: Embracing a New Way of Life
60min Live Sessions
  • Monday, March 15th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, March 16th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, March 17th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, March 18th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, March 19th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Two:
Allowing What You Love to Shape Your Life
Monday, March 22nd - Friday, March 26th, 2021
  • Monday, March 22nd - What are you truly passionate about?
  • Tuesday, March 23rd - What is the organizing principle of your life?
  • Wednesday, March 24th - Imagine a life that revolves around your passion.
  • Thursday, March 25th - Do only what you are passionate about.
  • Friday, March 26th - How much of your passion can you bring into your current life?
60min Live Sessions
No live sessions this week.
Week Three:
Abundance Can Only Be Embraced Now
Monday, March 29th - Friday, April 2nd, 2021
  • Monday, March 29th - Learn to be content and satisfied with life right now.
  • Tuesday, March 30th - The relaxation beneath all discontent.
  • Wednesday, March 31st - Conscious contentment is not a means to an end.
  • Thursday, April 1st - Authentic contentment can't be faked.
  • Friday, April 2nd - Find the willingness to be content forever.
60min Live Sessions
  • Monday, March 29th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, March 30th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, March 31st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 1st @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 2nd |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Four:
Discovering the Gift that is Living through You
Monday, April 5th - Friday, April 9th, 2021
  • Monday, April 5th - Describe your deepest experience of spiritual abundance.
  • Tuesday, April 6th - If you knew for sure that anything you did would work, what would you do?
  • Wednesday, April 7th - What stops you from following through on your own wisdom and insight?
  • Thursday, April 8th - Can you see the gift you were born to give in the choices of your life?
  • Friday, April 9th - Share the gift you were born to give.
60min Live Sessions
No live sessions this week.
Week Five:
Building a Deep and Abiding Trust in Life
Monday, April 12th - Friday, April 16th, 2021
  • Monday, April 12th - Knowing you are Free is the source of freedom
  • Tuesday, April 13th - Believing in abundance is abundance.
  • Wednesday, April 14th - Rest in the Abundance of What Is.
  • Thursday, April 15th - Relax your doubts.
  • Friday, April 16th - Never go back to the way it was.
60min Live Sessions
  • Monday, April 12th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 13th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 14th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 15th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 16th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Week Six:
Living With Generosity and Gratitude
Monday, April 19th - Friday, April 23rd, 2021
  • Monday, April 19th - Are you ready to embrace the gift of abundance now?
  • Tuesday, April 20th - Reaching the point of no return.
  • Wednesday, April 21st - Be grateful for your own choice. .
  • Thursday, April 22nd - Living in abundance we are naturally generous.
  • Friday, April 23rd - To live in abundance we must forget about the future.
60min Live Sessions
No live sessions this week.
Week Seven:
Realizing the Life of Your Dreams by Giving the Gift You Were Born to Give
Monday, April 26th - Friday, April 30th, 2021
  • Monday, April 26th
    “The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”
    ― Oprah Winfrey
  • Tuesday, April 27th
    “Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.”
    ― Tony Robbins
  • Wednesday, April 28th
    “Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
    ― St. Francis of Assisi
  • Thursday, April 29th
    “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
    ― Winston S. Churchill
  • Friday, April 30th
    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”
    - Albert Einstein
60min Live Sessions
  • Monday, April 26th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Tuesday, April 27th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Wednesday, April 28th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Thursday, April 29th @ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
  • Friday, April 30th |@ 11:00am - 12 midday (US Eastern Time)
Concluding Event
Live One Day Retreat with Jeff Carreira
Saturday, May 1st, 2021 | 11:00am - 6:00pm US Eastern Time.
This program includes
Two Transformational Books
Available to order for free after you register. Pay only shipping.
Transformative Practice Journal
Embracing the Gift of Spiritual Abundance
Transformative Practice Journal

This program revolves around a 35-day transformative exploration. On each of those days, you will receive detailed guidance for a daily contemplation or exercise. Twenty of those days include sessions with me that you can attend live or listen to afterward. The other 15 days revolve around detailed practice instructions contained in this journal.

The instructions you receive during these 35 days will ask you to spend approximately 30 to 50 minutes engaged in a specific practice or inquiry, and each day will include some journal writing.

All of the daily instructions and all of the space you will need for journaling are contained in this transformative practice journal that is 8.5 X 11 inches in size containing over 120 beautifully designed pages. This journal is full of engaging images, explanations and descriptions that bring the work to life on its pages.

By the time the program is done, you will have created a written record of your journey that you can return to again and again as the unending transformative process of your life continues to unfold.

Journal template created by freepik
The Gift of Spiritual Abundance
Five Principles For Being Happy And Fulfilled Right Now
by Jeff Carreira
The Gift of Spiritual Abundance reveals five principles that can bring you immediate happiness and fulfillment. You will learn how to shift your fundamental relationship to life from one that assumes lack, to one that recognizes fullness. If you apply the simple yet profound principles in this book, they will radically transform your life for the better. The central realization that you will explore is the fact that true happiness and real fulfillment can only be found now. Reading this book allows you to uncover the unconscious patterns of thinking that keep you waiting for a better future, so you can discover the plentitude and goodness of life exactly as it already is.
Special Registration Bonus

Registration in the Embracing the Gift of Spiritual Abundance program includes one free year of membership in The Members Circle. As part of The Members Circle, you will receive weekly materials and a robust online platform that makes it possible for you to stay connected with Artists of Possibility around the world. The annual membership cost is normally $240 and it’s yours free for one year when you register for the Embracing the Gift of Spiritual Abundance program.

Already a Members Circle member?
Use your discount coupon when registering for this program to receive the Members special offer of 50% off. (No free year membership included).

Register Here

The registration fee of $480 includes full participation in the 7-week Embracing the Gift of Spiritual Abundance program and one-year of free membership in our Members Circle where you receive weekly content and inclusion in a global community that will continually fuel and inspire your journey.

Already a Members Circle member?
Use your discount coupon when registering for this program to receive the Members special offer of 50% off. (No free year membership included).

Registration Closed
Frequently Asked Questions
Register by Friday, February 28, 2020 to participate in:
What Makes Real Spiritual Transformation Possible?
A 3-Hour workshop with Jeff Carreira
Saturday, February 29 - 11am to 2pm US Eastern Time.

Those of us who’ve been pursuing spiritual work – whether we just started or have been at it for decades – got into for a very good reason – we knew spiritual transformation was possible and we wanted that for ourselves.

Many of us have experienced spiritual transformation – or at least we think we have – but we seem to slip back into the person we were before over and over again.

During 2020 I intend to offer a number of opportunities designed to not only catalyze spiritual transformation but maintain it.

In this workshop you will explore a powerful way to understand what spiritual transformation is, how it can be ignited in your own heart and mind, and most importantly how that transformation can become your permanent center.

Participating in this workshop is itself a spiritual transformation. You will need to enter it slowly with a wide-open heart and mind. You will need to hear things you’ve heard before as if for the first time. And you will need to embrace some completely new ways of seeing as if you had known them all along.

When we talk about our spirit, we are talking about that which moves us, we are talking about the place that we originate from.

When we talk about spiritual transformation, we are talking about a shift in our origin point – we are going to allow ourselves to be moved by a completely different source.

The fundamental transformation is pretty well known by many of us.

Currently our experience of reality and the energy that drives us are both coming from the fears and desires of a separate sense of self that pushes its agendas forward with willpower.

The spiritual transformation we seek means giving up any sense of self and being moved by the mysterious source of wisdom and compassion that exists at the heart of the cosmos. As I said, most of us already know this, unfortunately knowing it has very little to do with living it.

What you will explore in this workshop:
  • How your current point of origin is maintained by the paradigm we live in.
  • How to relax your awareness until it slips beyond its current point of origin.
  • How it is possible to consciously shift the way you see reality.
  • How shifting your perception of reality actually shifts what’s real.
  • How to change your life so that you will continue to live in a new reality.
  • What becomes possible for those who spiritually transform in this way.
This workshop is offered as preliminary work for the 12-week course.
Register by Friday, February 28, 2020 to participate.
Registration Closed
All sales are final. No refunds will be available if you choose to cancel.