August 20th - August 24th, 2025

4:00pm Wednesday to 12:00pm Sunday

Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA

$2200 - $2400 pp

I am excited to invite you to join me for the five-day Embody Your Cosmic Self awakening Intensive. The aim of this five-day intensive retreat is for you to embody a cosmic sense of self that lifts you into the experience of cosmic consciousness.

The perspectives and practices you will work with on retreat come from my new book Embody Your Cosmic Self.

For years I have worked with people exploring inventive ways to facilitate paradigm shifts that awaken our higher spiritual potentials. We are capable of much more than we think, but our familiar sense of self keeps us from realizing our full potential.

We all live through a sense of self, a collection of ideas about who we are, what we are capable of and what we are not. At the deepest levels of out identity are foundational ideas about what it means to be a human being that feel impossible to deny.

On this retreat you will discover that we haven’t even begun to discover what human beings are truly capable of, and we won’t discover that until we let go of our familiar sense of self and inhabit a much bigger one. That is what this retreat is all about.

Over five days we will journey together on an adventure of transformative power of identity that will take us through three stages of growth.

  • We will begin our exploration by uncovering the subtle ways in which our current sense of self was formed and the mechanisms that keep us wedded to it.
  • From there we will establish ourselves in a meditation practice that releases the conceptual limitations of our identity and brings us into the experience of pure awareness.
  • Finally we will explore practices that allow us to envision, enliven and ultimately inhabit a cosmic sense of self that opens us to cosmic consciousness.

Your limited and familiar self-concept, the one that has your name and was born on your birthday, is reinforced every time you think about yourself, or use the pronouns I, me, or mine. We are all constantly reinforcing our habitual sense of self. And it isn’t just us, every time someone refers to you by name they're reinforcing your identity too. As long as our experience is being filtered through that sense of self we will never have access to our full spiritual potential.

Our current sense of self has been solidifying for a long time, but we can liberate ourselves from it. It doesn’t have to go anywhere, in fact it’s valuable that it doesn’t. We just don’t want it to be the limit of what is possible.

I am very excited about the spiritual work of embodying a cosmic self. I first started to explore the transformative power of identity nearly 25 years ago and described it some years later in a book called The Soul of a New Self. Last year I started working with a small group of people to practice how to do it. The results of that work were powerful and illuminating. This is the work that I wrote about in my new book Embody Your Cosmic Self, and you can explore with me on this retreat.

I hope to see you on the retreat.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
On This Retreat We Will Focus On:
The Awareness that is Aware
During this retreat we will use the practice of meditation to de-conceptualization our awareness. You will learn to perceive reality directly without the mitigating influence of the mind and enter into pure awareness. As your familiar perceptions dissolve away you will find yourself immersed in the intuitive knowing of spirit. What you will discover is a deeper source of awareness that allows you to see far beyond the limits of the familiar physical and psychological world.

The Co-Creation of Reality

We will engage in a profound examination of our experience to uncover how our perception of reality is constantly being created and reinforced by our own (and everyone else's) mind. As we uncover the mental mechanisms that hold us in our current experience of reality, we will uncover foundational beliefs about what is possible for human beings that we have never questioned. As we question these assumptions we will find that our awareness opens beyond our previous constraints.
Re-Wording Reality
Our journey continues with the exploration of the role that language plays in shaping how we perceive reality. We will explore how words, especially those that we apply to ourselves, don’t just describe what is real, they create it and continually reinforce it. We will work together to discover how to use language in ways that open up our experience of reality and then explore how we can liberate each other more and more by using language that supports our full potential.
Embodying Our Cosmic Self
We have all learned to navigate reality through a sense of self that is limited to a single human lifetime. Our unquestioned belief in the reality of this self denies access to the vast majority of who we truly are. On this retreat you will question the most foundational ideas that hold you to a limited identity. As you begin to experience your true cosmic self you will creatively cultivate a self-concept that is vast enough to hold the parts of you that exist far beyond a single lifetime on planet Earth.
Universal Being
We will explore a different way of being. As you begin to recognize the truly universal source of your being, your perceptions will open and allow you to see deeper spiritual realities that are hidden to normal perceptions. You will explore a way of being born from the recognition that you existed before your birthday and will not die at the time of your death. Your essence is truly cosmic, eternal and infinite. You are not and have never been separate from the flow of existence.

This is an in-person awakening intensive led by Jeff Carreira in which mornings will be devoted to meditation practice and afternoons to contemplative exercises.

The structure of the retreat allows for focus and concentration, as well as individual and group activities and inquiries.

The retreat begins with registration at 4:00pm on August 20th, followed by dinner at 6:00pm and the opening session at 7:15pm. The retreat will end at 12:00pm on August 24th.

Each day will begin with silent meditation, followed by breakfast, and a session of spiritual teachings and silent meditation with Jeff.

Each afternoon will be devoted to inquiries, contemplations and exercises that give us the opportunity to explore the spiritual realities that are illuminated during the morning session.

Each evening we will have a Q and A session along with meditation if time allows, that will allow you to explore your experience and ask any questions that come up during the day.

Daily Schedule
(Actual retreat schedule may vary)
  • 7:00am to 7:45am Silent Meditation
  • 8:00am to 9:15am Breakfast
  • 9:30am to 12:45pm Teaching and Meditation
  • 1:00pm to 2:45pm Lunch
  • 3:00pm to 5:45pm Paradigm Shifting Explorations
  • 6:00pm to 6:45pm Silent Meditation
  • 7:00pm to 8:00pm Dinner
  • 8:15pm to 9:30pm Q & A and Meditation

The location for this retreat is Pendle Hill, 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA You can find their website here. The centre is located on 24 tranquil acres, and offers a relaxing “world apart” in a beautiful wooded setting.

Accommodation options include simple private rooms with shared bathrooms.

All meals, snacks and tea and coffee will be provided. Pendle Hill serves nutritionally balanced meals with a sense of joy and good taste. Most foods, including bread and other staples, are homemade, and they make extensive use of organic fruits and vegetables from their garden. Many dinners are vegetarian, others include free-range meat or poultry, or fish. All meals include gluten free and vegetarian options.

Pendle Hill is committed to maintaining a safe environment due to ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of that effort they currently require all guests of Pendle Hill to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to wear masks in the common spaces of the campus. The staff of Pendle Hill are continually monitoring the situation with the pandemic and may alter their requirements before the date of our retreat, but until we are notified otherwise, we will assume that their current requirements will hold in December. For more information about all guest requirements and the COVID-19 mitigating amenities Pendle Hill offers see their COVID-19 Information page here.

The below notice is taken directly from the Pendle Hill website.

Expectations of Guests: Effective March 1, 2022:

All guests of Pendle Hill are required to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 in advance of coming to campus.

All guests are required to complete a waiver and a pre-arrival screening no more than 24 hours prior to arriving on campus. See the Waiver & Screening section of our FAQ page for more information on this form’s contents and ramifications.

We encourage all guests to take a COVID test of any type (PCR, rapid, at home) within 48 hours of arrival on campus. This may be a requirement for some Pendle Hill offerings.

Please see our Guest Expectations in COVID-19 Mitigation FAQ for more information about any of the above expectations.

What past retreat participants said about their experience...

"We were able to only do three days of this event. But the impact for me was most profound. On our day 4, integration day an awareness of the Truth arose in me and left me totally flummoxed. Just what I have been working for, for so many years. I am truly a different person than the one who started the retreat last Friday. Profound gratitude to Jeff and the team."

~ W. Francis.

"The daily teaching, Q&A's and and meditation sessions were so powerful , they brought such calm and flow to me and in turn to my family. Jeff's teaching enabled me reach greater depth in my meditations as each day passed."

~ T. Bird.

"The retreat was eye opening and life-changing, giving me a new understanding of me as a soul, and deepening my relationship with it. Giving all day to meditation for a few days, rather than an hour a day for a prolonged period, has brought changes in me that are indescribable. I did not want it end!"

~ J. Aebi.

"This retreat was a wonderful and profound experience of sinking into the depth of Being. Experiencing blissful happiness and liberation, just abiding there, without needing anything. Even in the face of challenges from outside, like a noisy neighourhood."

~ J. van den Bogaard.

"The retreat came at the perfect time in my life. It was the calm at the end of an internal and external storm that led to deep insights and deepening Awareness of my True Self. Jeff has an ability to transmit deep truths that find a home in soul."

~ M. Earlenbaugh.

"Jeff’s instructions and felt his passion to lead us into a available view of the world and ourselves. My life is so completely different. I’m looking out with Cosmic Eyes now... Wow So simple and so wonderful. Thank you Jeff"

~ N. Torrence.

Register Here

All rooms are furnished very simply, with a bed, desk, chairs, lamps, drawer and closet space, heat/air conditioning, towels, washcloths, soap, extra blankets, and wifi.

Couples room, private bath
Private room, private bath
Private room, shared bath
Cancellation and Refund Policy
This retreat has sold out.
If you would like to go on the waitlist, please email Sophie at
This retreat is sold out
If you would like to go on the waitlist, please email Sophie at
Register Here - $2200

Cancellations made on or before May 31st, 2025 will receive an automatic 50% refund. If the retreat subsequently sells out and your place is resold, you will receive a full refund minus $100 administration fee.

Cancellations made on or between June 1st and July 31st, 2025 there is no refund. If the retreat subsequently sells out and your place is resold, you will receive a full refund minus $100 administration fee.

For cancellations made on or after August 1st, 2025 no refunds will be available.