November 24th and December 15th, 2024

Recordings Available

Online via Zoom Video Conferencing


Please join me for the final event that will deepen the insights we explored during the Opening to Cosmic Consciousness event held on October 26th (audio recording below).

In the first follow-up event on November 24th (audio recording below), we worked with the practice of disentangling yourself from your familiar patterns of mind so that your attention naturally and effortlessly falls into consciousness without thought. The movement from our ordinary state of consciousness to cosmic consciousness can be understood as the movement from the thinking mind to the intuitive mind of consciousness without thought.

This shift in consciousness is represented in the Hindu tradition as a movement from the manomaya kosha (thinking body) to the vijnanamaya kosha (wisdom body). During that event we discovered that this shift in consciousness represents not only an evolutionary step for all of humanity, but also a transformative step for each of us individually.

In the second follow-up event on December 15th, we will have the opportunity to work with practices that allow you to permanently abide in the awakened mind of cosmic consciousness. Of course, this is not work that can be completed in the span of one hour, but during this hour you will gain an experiential understanding of what it takes to permanently shift your awareness into cosmic consciousness.

What anchors our awareness in any level of consciousness is the formation of an identity. Our identity or self-concept, is formed within a state of consciousness, and as long as that identity is adhered to, the level of consciousness that it was formed in will be our experience.

The current human identity in the modern world was formed at the level of the thinking-mind, and so our awareness has become anchored in the activities of the thinking. If you try to stop yourself from thinking you will immediately see how hard it is. We are anchored in thinking because our self-concept was created from that level of consciousness.

During this event you will work with practices that are designed to help you shift into a cosmic identity. It is an identity that is formed in the consciousness of being, the pure awareness beyond the thinking mind. There are specific ways that this higher identity can be formed and during this event you will learn about them and work with them.


Jeff Carreira
Co-Founder & Director of Education, Emergence Education
Accessing Cosmic Consciousness (December 15th, 2024)
Accessing Cosmic Consciousness (November 24th, 2024)
Opening to Cosmic Consciousness (Saturday, October 26th, 2024)
Upcoming Program
A unique opportunity to stabilize in the experience of your universal nature and transform your life.
January 1st - December 31st, 2025
39 Weeks of Practice Sessions (Monday - Friday) | 12 Monthly Study Guides (including 10 ebooks) + 3 x 2hr Coaching Workshops
Online via Zoom Video Conferencing
This is the most ambitious spiritual program that I have offered in the twenty plus years that I have been teaching. The focus of this program is on the miraculous realization of cosmic consciousness, and you will not just experience this state of awareness, you will maintain access to it continuously enough to transform your life.
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