Poems by Walt Whitman (Annotated)
The Poems that Inspired Cosmic Consciousness
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Wise Man from the East (Annotated)
The Book that Introduced Cosmic Consciousness to the West
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Cosmic Consciousness or the Vedantic Idea of Realisation or Mukti (Annotated)
(In the light of Modern Psychology)
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment (Annotated)
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

The Symbolism of the Tarot (Annotated)
Philosophy of Occultism in Pictures and Numbers
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Flatland (Annotated)
A Romance of Many Dimensions
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Tertium Organum (Annotated)
The Third Canon of Thought: A Key To The Enigmas Of The World
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Towards Democracy (Annotated)
Poems of Cosmic Consciousness
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

The Mystics Annotated
A Novel
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Cosmic Consciousness (Annotated)
Edited, Updated and Interpreted by Jeff Carreira
Introduction by Jeff Carreira

Seven Stories by H. P. Lovecraft (Annotated)
Real Dreaming and Cosmic Awareness
Introduction by Jeff Carreira