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This book explores the experience of radical inclusivity - the direct recognition that everything is always included as part of a larger whole. Radical inclusivity opens a perceptual awareness that is grounded in non-separation, wholeness and continuity, and offers an essential antidote to many of the challenges that our world currently faces. This view offers the foundation for an ecological vision that can move us beyond an exclusively human perspective by demonstrating that we are one with everything. We are inseparable from the whole that surrounds us because we are that whole. We are the environment that we exist within. What happens to our surroundings is happening to us, and what happens to us, happens to everything around us. This potential shift in perspective offers a new way to think about who we are and how we affect the world around us. The writing style is personal, fluid, fast moving, and at times poetic because a new consciousness can only be articulated using words that point beyond their literal meaning. This book is meant to initiate an inquiry and inspire you to examine your own experience more deeply than you ever have before.
Published by
Emergence Education
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