
Commit To What Is

A guided workbook for building a revolutionary relationship with our emotions and ourselves
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Commit To What Is, shows you how to process your emotions in ways that will transform your life. In this book, Susan Kullman introduces you to an evolutionary perspective on our feelings and reveals the growth opportunities that lie hidden inside our emotional experience. As you read each chapter, you will be guided through a journey of inner revelation and discovery. You will learn how to transcend any obstacles that might be standing in the way of creating the life you always dreamed about.

This book introduces mind/body practices that are based on the latest brain research in somatic education and neuroplasticity. These practices have the power to dismantle negative patterns of self judgement and release you from the shame that was truly never yours in the first place.

In this book you will:

  • experience the gifts that exist inside each of our so-called negative primary emotions
  • discover how to reframe your emotional experience to release your evolutionary potential
  • learn about tools that help you to increase your emotional awareness and embodied wisdom
  • gain a greater sense of control in guiding the future direction of your life
  • build a sense of empowerment by growing beyond what you once thought was possible
Published by
Mystery School Press
Susan Kullman
Susan Kullman is a spiritual life coach, somatic educator, and yoga therapist and has successfully used the techniques and practices described in her book, Commit To What is, to help transform her own life as well as the lives of many clients and students. Her passion in teaching comes from decades of study in wellness practices, and her love and deep understanding of the body and its soul. For over 20 years , Susan has empowered students to a live a life of intentional health and wellness. A positive, energetic, life force, Susan uses her knowledge and experience to educate and inspire others. Her unparalleled ability to connect and motivate not only comes from her vast education but also compassionately fueled by her own personal journey towards wellness. Susan “walks her talk” with an emphasis on empowerment, evolution, and integration. The cognitive work of spiritual practices like meditation is not always enough to unleash the full flowering of our awakened potential. Sometimes we also need to work through emotional and physical constrictions to clear our path to higher awareness. This is the nature of the work you will do with Susan Kullman. Susan has an extensive background in a wide range of practices that open our bodies and restore our physical, emotional and psychical balance. Working with Susan will open your body, your heart, and your mind, to the energetic life force that animates you and all of existence. The work Susan does is body-centered, but not necessarily in the way you might typically think. The Greek word 'somatics' can translate as bodywork, but it is not limited to the physical manipulation of the body. Somatics means exploring and reorienting to the inner experience of being embodied. w:
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