Leslie Raznick

Emergence Education

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The Necessity of Rest and Relaxation

Member of The Mystery School

During periods, or even brief moments of rest, stillness and relaxation, it appears that a vast amount of possibilities become available that may otherwise be missed. So too do many essential states of being.

Relax Chronic Pain with Awareness

Member of The Mystery School

Pain has a way of demanding our attention. But when it’s chronic pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period, it’s human nature to look for ways to ignore it. It’s common to tense around the pain, creating a protective armoring, so that we can continue with our daily activities without compromise.

Passer the Sparrow: A story of rest and recuperation

Member of The Mystery School

She flew into the house, the pokey little thing, likely looking for treats or a convenient thoroughfare. Her name was Passer and to her little mind she was Passer the-passer-through. Unfortunately, she takes a new flight path and becomes discombobulated in navigating her exit.